European champions of the heart Press review: "The national team has the people of Switzerland behind it"


6.7.2024 - 23:03

Switzerland stands together - and not just during the penalty shoot-out in Düsseldorf.
Switzerland stands together - and not just during the penalty shoot-out in Düsseldorf.

Disappointment at the result, but plenty of appreciation for the Swiss national team's performance in their quarter-final match against England in Düsseldorf on Saturday evening. That's the opinion of the Swiss-German press - and there was also praise from England.

"Great team, great game - we're proud of you!" was the headline in the "Blick" online portal X. Readers' comments revealed that Switzerland may not have been European champions in football, but they were European champions in their hearts.

"Switzerland can be proud - despite the missed opportunity" headlines the "Bund" in its online commentary on X. The national team players did not get this far by chance, "unlike those English players, who have so much potential and find it so difficult to make the most of it". However, bitterness remains "because it is a defeat that is so unnecessary", "not at all compelling, not against this England, who are once again anything but invulnerable".

There is talk of a "heroic performance" at Many Swiss players impressed despite their ultimate failure against the English, according to X.

"Oh, that's bitter!"

"Watson" headlines: "This wonderful European Championship party is followed by a severe hangover!" And continues: "Oh, that's bitter!" Switzerland's place in the semi-finals had been within reach. The tournament in Germany had exceeded all expectations and the national team had surprised everyone: they had stood up to the hosts Germany and played four-time world champions Italy to the wall in the round of 16.

Perhaps the only criticism the Swiss have to put up with, according to the "NZZ am Sonntag", is that they didn't take their chances with enough determination against a far from overpowering opponent - England. "The Swiss did a lot of things right at this tournament," wrote the newspaper. The team looked focused and showed optimistic, joyful football. "They got the people of Switzerland behind them, without any discussions or concerns."

Yakin with a plan

Despite the victory, the British press remained skeptical about their team. The game against Switzerland was another example of the English making life difficult for themselves and then winning, wrote the British broadcaster BBC, crediting the team with their resilience.

Coach Gareth Southgate's team are in the semi-finals "and none of it makes the slightest bit of sense", wrote the British newspaper "The Guardian". England played badly for 90 minutes and well for 30 minutes, the newspaper concluded. Chaos had brought England to their current point. The Swiss national coach Murat Yakin is a coach who still has a real plan, the newspaper praised.