After debacle in TV duel Biden rejects calls for withdrawal


30.6.2024 - 19:35

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.
US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.

Biden's disastrous performance in the duel against Trump has called his suitability for office into question. But the 81-year-old has no intention of withdrawing. His team is trying to brush away worries.

30.6.2024 - 19:35

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Joe Biden is fighting for support after the disastrous TV duel with Donald Trump. He rejects calls for him to withdraw.
  • "I didn't have a great night, but I will fight even harder," said the US President.
  • Biden's appearance was a fiasco - he lost his train of thought, mumbled, stared into space with his mouth open and was often unable to finish his sentences properly.

After his disastrous performance in the TV duel with his opponent Donald Trump, US President Joe Biden is trying to close ranks behind him. The 81-year-old rejects calls for him to withdraw.

The President continued his election campaign at the weekend, outwardly unperturbed. He also collected donations at exclusive receptions in New Jersey and the Hamptons near New York - the Hamptons are known as a weekend destination for the rich and famous. There, Biden tried to convince his donors of his suitability for office: "I didn't have a great night, but I'm going to fight even harder." On Sunday, the Democrat withdrew for a long-planned family meeting - the debacle and possible consequences are likely to be a topic of discussion with his closest confidants.

Biden fought a TV duel with his Republican predecessor Trump on Thursday evening (local time). Both want to move back into the White House after the presidential election in November. According to polls, it is currently a neck-and-neck race. However, Biden's performance was a fiasco - he lost his train of thought, mumbled, stared into space with his mouth open and was often unable to finish his sentences properly. After the duel, a debate broke out in the USA about whether the 81-year-old is the right candidate for the Democrats. "To serve his country, President Biden should drop out of the race," wrote the New York Times in an opinion piece. Other media also blatantly called on the Democrat to withdraw.

Biden and his team go on the offensive

Biden's camp focused on damage limitation after the TV debacle and went into attack mode. The data showed that the duel had not changed the perception of the American people, they said in an email to party supporters. "Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee, period," it said in another text. A "bedwetting brigade" is calling on Biden to withdraw. The "New York Times" reported that Biden's team was making countless phone calls in the background in an attempt to put pressure on concerned Democratic MPs, supporters and donors. Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi aggressively defended Biden on breakfast television on Sunday. "It was a bad night. Let's put it behind us," she said, trying to shift the focus onto Trump.

Biden herself handled major donors at a series of non-public events. Hollywood stars such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick and Michael J. Fox were among the hosts of a long-planned reception in posh East Hampton. On the way to the event, Biden was greeted by a number of demonstrators. They held up signs on the side of the road that read "We love you, but it's time" or "Step back for democracy". According to Biden's team, around 3.7 million US dollars (around 3.4 million euros) was raised at another event in New Jersey alone. The information cannot be independently verified.

Biden withdraws with his family

After his fundraising marathon, Biden traveled on to Camp David - the US President's country residence near Washington. There, Biden wanted to discuss the future of his election campaign with his family, reported NBC. The White House reacted with lightning speed after the text was published and rejected the account. The report's approach was incorrect. The government headquarters emphasized that the trip had been planned long before the debate and that a family photo of the Bidens had been planned. However, it is difficult to imagine that the meeting will not now turn into a crisis meeting.

First Lady Jill Biden is also likely to play a special role in this. The Bidens have been married for 47 years. Jill Biden is considered the US President's closest confidante and the 73-year-old's word carries weight. She demonstratively defended her husband after the botched TV duel. "Joe is not just the right person for the job," she said at a fundraising event on Saturday. "He's the only person for the job."

Democrats on alert

So far, the front row of the Democrats is also united behind Biden - but there is rumbling within the party. In fact, the coming days are likely to be decisive. This is when polls are likely to show whether Biden's weak performance will be reflected among voters. If Biden's poll ratings deteriorate, this is likely to unsettle not only donors, but also panic Democratic politicians who are also up for re-election in November.

At the party convention in Chicago in August, Biden is to be officially chosen as his party's presidential candidate. He has already collected the necessary delegate votes in the primaries - the coronation convention is a mere formality, at least so far. Theoretically, however, it is possible that the party could change tack at short notice and take Biden out of the race. For this to happen, however, Biden would have to clear the way himself and withdraw. Observers consider this to be a mere pipe dream so close to the election. And even if this were to happen, the question arises as to who could succeed Biden in the duel against the 78-year-old Trump.

No real alternative

Since the Democrats have backed Biden, they have failed to build a successor. Vice President Kamala Harris is very unpopular. The 59-year-old is unlikely to be the first choice. One name that comes up is Gavin Newsom. The 56-year-old governor of the liberal US state of California is an eloquent thoroughbred politician. Whether he could score points with the more conservative rural population is questionable. Gretchen Whitmer, the 52-year-old governor of the state of Michigan, is also mentioned. The lawyer belongs to the leadership circle of the Democratic Party. Michelle Obama, the former First Lady and wife of ex-President Barack Obama, is considered a shining light by many Democrats. That she could suddenly enter the race is rather illusory.
