"Old man shouting at old man" The nastiest reactions to the Biden vs Trump TV duel

Dominik Müller


The duel between Joe Biden and Donald Trump went down well with very few people. There is a lot of malice on social media, especially for the incumbent president.


No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • US President Joe Bidenfires up doubts about his suitability for office with a lackluster performance in the first TV duel against his challenger Donald Trump.
  • On social media, the age of the two candidates in particular is a source of ridicule.
  • A few humorous reactions in the overview.

US President Joe Biden put in a shaky performance in the first TV duel against his challenger Donald Trump. During the 90-minute exchange of blows, Biden regularly floundered, speaking indistinctly, quietly and in a raspy voice. As usual, Trump attacked Biden with aggressive rhetoric and repeated old accusations and lies.

Both were aggressive during the TV debate: Donald Trump (left) and Joe Biden.
Both were aggressive during the TV debate: Donald Trump (left) and Joe Biden.

The reactions to Biden's appearance have been devastating - especially in his own party. And the internet is also full of derisive comments. Mostly the central topic: the age of the two candidates. The 81-year-old Biden in particular receives a lot of malice.

For example, Matt summarizes on X: "Two men close to death arguing about who can play golf better to get the nuclear codes. Should I kill myself?"

While we are used to an aggressive choice of words from Trump, for once Biden also took an unusually harsh approach to his opponent. Zeez found a symbolic video for the verbal exchange of blows.

A meme posted by The Feminist Misogynist is in the same vein. The headline: "Old man shouts at old man".

Some users questioned Biden's mental presence during the debate.

Others feel driven to unhealthy habits by the selection of candidates for the most powerful office in the world.

One particular scene caused numerous amused reactions on social media: Donald Trump says after one of Biden's arguments: "I don't really know what he said at the end of his sentence, but I don't think he knows either."

The final word belongs to user broti gupta, who sees good reason for optimism - albeit with a good dose of irony: "It could be worse. It could be the two presidential candidates."

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