July horoscope Monica Kissling: "Many are built close to the water at the new moon"

Bruno Bötschi


In July, many things clear up and you can make binding plans again. The love stars offer the best conditions for romantic vacations. At work, you can now make decisions and regain your footing.

After a changeable June, which brought a lot of ambiguity and uncertainty, the stars are now supporting you in clarification processes. Your fellow human beings will soon be able to position themselves more clearly and you will also feel better about yourself again.

However, reflection is required at the beginning of the month.

Important emotional processes are taking place. Neptune comes to a standstill and opens your heart. This means you can now hear your inner voice particularly well.

Pause and reflect

Gentle stars kick off the month. Neptune invites you to pause and reflect. Its favorable connection with the communication planet Mercury allows you to be particularly perceptive. You can trust your instincts now.

The Sun's position in the field of tension of the Moon's nodal axis is somewhat more difficult. It can bring pressure to make decisions, but you shouldn't force anything now. Your head and heart may not speak the same language. Listen to your heart and follow your instincts.

Ask important questions

It might also be worth taking a closer look at certain things. You can use the constellation of Mercury and Pluto on July 3 to ask critical questions: to others and to yourself.

About the person: Monica Kissling
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Monica Kissling, alias Madame Etoile, has been working as an astrologer in her own practice in Zurich since 1985, where she offers consultations for private individuals and companies. She is regularly featured in print media, radio and TV. She also gives talks and leads vision days and retreats as well as workshops on time quality, time perception and time competence. Monica Kissling has been President of the Swiss Astrologers' Association (SAB) since 2019.

Do you have certain fears - and if so, how can you dispel them? What gives you security?

You are most likely to get support from your sweetheart, as the love stars are in a favorable position and give you support.

Communicate tactically and skillfully

Critical questions could be raised at work. Don't let yourself be provoked and tempted into verbal power struggles.

You need good arguments now, but above all a good feel for your counterpart.

Critics can be appeased if they feel heard and understood. With psychological skill, you can calm the waters.

Moving moments

On the night of July 6, there will be a new moon in the emotional water sign of Cancer. Many people are now close to the water. Both positive and negative events are now very moving.

This can be very beautiful and touching, but it can also intensify feelings of sadness. Allow these feelings and take good care of yourself. Who can give you comfort?

Cancer New Moon on July 6, 2024.
Cancer New Moon on July 6, 2024.
Monica Kissling

Being there for each other

The zodiac sign of Cancer is all about emotional well-being and caring. People who are close to your heart need your attention. Give your love generously now.

You might put a project on the back burner to make a loved one happy. There doesn't have to be much activity now - just be there for each other.

You yourself are also very receptive to attention. Your longing for love and your desire for security are very strong now.

High sensitivity

On the weekend of July 6/7, you are more sensitive and easily unsettled in love. Allow yourself to have doubts, but don't get carried away.

Venus, the goddess of love, in sensitive Cancer can tempt you to worry excessively, which in hindsight turns out to be unfounded.

Create a cozy home

Family and home may receive a lot of attention in the sign of domestic Cancer. Take more time for your loved ones now and put work matters on the back burner.

You may also want to make your home more homely or beautify your garden or balcony. Everything that nourishes your soul and contributes to a cozy atmosphere can now have its place.

Pleasant surprises

The week of July 8 brings many pleasant surprises. The love stars show their uncomplicated side again and promise pleasant surprises. Spontaneous ideas will enliven your relationship.

You can now have fruitful conversations both privately and at work. Thanks to openness, tolerance and constructive suggestions, projects are taking shape.

Supportive contacts

A harmonious connection between Pluto and Lilith also supports the development of intelligent strategies that you can use to advance your business.

Make use of your network or use the week to make contacts that open up new opportunities for you. Aquarius and Libra show you how it's done.

Favorable days in July 2024

  • July 8: Wonderful flirting stars, sparkling encounters, openness to new things, flexibility, spontaneity, generosity, constructive conversations, wealth of ideas (Venus sextile Uranus, Mercury sextile Jupiter).
  • July 10-11: Strategic skill, successful acquisition and networking, finding allies, forging powerful alliances, commitment, sense of responsibility, empathy, imagination, love romances (Lilith trine Pluto, Sun trine Saturn, Venus trine Neptune).
  • July 18-21: presence of mind, creativity, originality, innovation, clairvoyance, sure instinct, cordiality, responsiveness (Sun sextile Uranus, Mercury trine Chiron, Venus trine the Moon's node).
  • July 24-26: Vitality, performance, sporting success, persuasiveness and decisiveness, assertiveness, courage, moral courage ( Mars trine Lilith, Sun sextile Lilith, Sun sextile Mars).

Cosmic high

On 11 July, a stabilizing constellation forms between the Sun and Saturn. You now have a secure feeling for what is possible.

You can realize what is important to you with your heart and mind. And set the right priorities.

You can also be enchanted by Venus, the goddess of love, and seductive Neptune. Romance is in the air, butterflies flutter in your stomach.

Passion awakens

On the evening of July 11, Venus, the goddess of love, moves into fiery Leo, where she ignites your passion. You will now give your all for love and be very creative. Exciting and intense days await you.

Because Venus enters Pluto's field of tension on July 12, it may be too much of a good thing, as Pluto has a demanding and controlling nature. So now you have to be careful not to put your sweetheart under pressure with expectations.

Jealousy also needs to be kept in check. Control is not a good strategy if there is a lack of trust.

Magical love stars

The passionate love stars will accompany you through the weekend of July 13/14 and will also inspire your sex life. You will experience everything much more intensely at this time, in the positive case in the form of ecstasy.

You can also celebrate unforgettable parties now. The Libra moon also makes it easy for singles to make friends and embark on an exciting adventure.

Incidents cause stress

The week of July 15 gets off to a turbulent start. The mood can now quickly tip from one extreme to the other. The disharmonious constellation of the Sun with Chiron can cause emotional wounds. You may feel underappreciated or even rejected.

Perhaps you feel let down by someone or miss their loyalty. This creates doubt and insecurity and chips away at your self-confidence. Take good care of yourself now and don't react in a hurt state.

Challenging days in July 2024

  • July 6: Vulnerability, disappointment, heartache, feelings of loneliness (Venus square Chiron).
  • July15: Fear of failure, feelings of inferiority, guilt and shame, inner restlessness, impatience, irritability, impulsiveness, increased willingness to use violence and risk of accidents ( Sun square Chiron, Mars conjunct Uranus).
  • July 22/23: Surprising turns, nervousness, clumsy communication, technical problems, power struggles, overconfidence (Mercury square Uranus, Sun opposition Pluto).

High irritability

It's not easy, because Mars and Uranus tempt you to act impulsively on July 15. Irritability is high and it's easy to do something you'll regret later.

Therefore, the more charged your mood is, the more important it is that you take a moment to step back. Stop and take a deep breath. Be aware of your feelings, thoughts and physical state.

Be particularly mindful now

Be particularly mindful now and create an inner space that allows you to make a conscious decision. When you are at peace, you can make good decisions.

You can also wait a little longer to make concrete decisions until more favorable constellations present themselves on June 18/19.

Don't rush things

Professionally, you could be unsettled in the first half of July 15. Sudden doubts may arise as to whether you are on the right path. There is also an inner restlessness that stimulates your desire for a fundamental change.

Instead of reacting spontaneously, it's better to examine your motives now. Frustration and defiance are motives that put you under stress and have a negative impact on you.

In crisis situations

However, in certain situations, especially in the economic and political sphere, you may need to act quickly. Weaknesses in leadership or structural problems may require decisive intervention.

Technical problems in the workplace and unexpected turns of events in general also put a strain on nerves and require improvisation.

Globally, there is an increased propensity for conflict and violence in the days around July 15. Riots, strikes or territorial attacks are possible. Troublemakers, troublemakers and provocateurs want to force change.

New perspectives

The stars promise more clarity and, above all, more energy from July 18. You are open to new impulses, can have fruitful conversations and realign yourself.

Because the stars show their helpful side, you can also count on the support of other people. Help and advise others yourself.

Full moon with transformative potential

The Capricorn full moon on July 21 is particularly powerful. It supports your empowerment - in other words, you can now overcome your fears and come into your own. However, you will have to take certain risks and free yourself from dependencies.

This Full Moon takes place on the last degree of Capricorn, so it's about shedding baggage, giving up responsibility and rejecting role expectations that don't suit you.

Capricorn Full Moon on July 21, 2024.
Capricorn Full Moon on July 21, 2024.
Monica Kissling

Courage pays off

By allowing yourself more autonomy and creative freedom, you can exploit the full potential of the vitalizing constellations.

The energy planet Mars and powerful Pluto strengthen your determination, courage and drive.

If you lack courage, the pressure may become so great under the full moon that you are forced to take action.

Generous love stars

The love stars are at their best on the day of the full moon. Venus has a date with the lucky planet Jupiter - and hopefully you have a date with an admirer or spend a particularly nice day with your sweetheart.

Let yourself be pampered and enchanted! The love stars are showing their generous side: a little luxury is allowed. July 21 is also a particularly beautiful day for a party or wedding and, of course, for a love vacation.

Always take it easy

The week of July 22 begins somewhat turbulently again. You may have a sleepless night from Sunday to Monday. Your mental carousel is running at full speed. Either because something is stirring you up inside or because you receive some surprising news.

Don't let it drive you crazy and take some time to think. A spontaneous flash of inspiration is not always effective. You should now take time to talk and, above all, listen carefully. Otherwise you run the risk of taking others by surprise.

Power struggle

On July 23, the Sun is exactly conjunct Pluto, which indicates power struggles. On the front line: Leo and Aquarius.

Stubbornness and attempts at manipulation cause tempers to flare. Nevertheless, there are also balancing forces that favor sensible solutions. If possible, stay out of power games. Silence is usually better than talking now.

Strong performance

Both the Sun and Mars conjoin Lilith on 24 and 25 July, which favors courageous action. Women in particular can now represent their concerns successfully.

This also favors causes that not only boost your ego but also serve the general public: You can make the most of these days for social and political initiatives.

Time for leisure

On July 27, the planetoid Chiron comes to a standstill. Take a shorter or longer break now. Let your mind wander and do what you enjoy. If you're not on vacation, finish work a little earlier.

Chiron strengthens your sensitivity. It could also bring you into contact with pain in your soul that has not yet fully healed but can now heal. What in you needs attention?

Is there something you have not yet forgiven yourself or others for? Check whether you can forgive and thereby free yourself from resentment. If you feel guilty yourself, now is a good time to ask for forgiveness.

Tidy environment, tidy mind

Mercury slows down at the end of the month as it turns retrograde on August 5. This means you too can shift down a gear and calm down. You don't need to start any big or important projects now.

If you still want to be active: organize your files and get your head in order. Mercury is transiting Virgo, so it's easy to lose track of things.

The monthly horoscope as a podcast

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