June horoscope Monica Kissling: "Initial difficulties lurk with new projects"

Bruno Bötschi


The love stars would actually be in a flirtatious mood, but there is resistance. In your career, too, it's not entirely clear where the journey will take you. However, June can also open up promising prospects.

June is a very eventful month that brings a lot of new things in the sign of Gemini: new acquaintances, new career opportunities, new personal goals.

In view of the many opportunities on offer, however, it is often difficult to make a choice. Commitment is not the Gemini's thing anyway. This changeable zodiac sign loves variety and likes to keep its options open.

However, this will not always be possible because the planet Saturn is putting pressure on them:

It dominates the new lunar cycle from June 6. This can mean that decisions have to be made despite a lack of clarity.

Conflicting needs

The contradictory duo of Neptune and Lilith will also cause ambivalence in June. Needs and ideas that are mutually exclusive keep coming up - for example, the desire for binding closeness and the desire for distance.

This leads to inner tensions and poses a challenge for interpersonal relationships.

The communication stars, which are often ambiguous, also cause confusion. Unspoken hopes or fears are hidden between the lines. At the same time, there is a risk that subliminal messages will be misinterpreted.

Promising prospects

But there is also some really good news. The month begins brightly and light-heartedly. Jupiter, the traditional planet of luck, is now in Gemini, where it is setting promising developments in motion.

This means: Exchange ideas, be inspired, try out new things, develop joint projects.

Jupiter also inspires your desire to travel, so you can either set off spontaneously or make big plans.

About the person: Monica Kissling
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Monica Kissling, alias Madame Etoile, has been working as an astrologer in her own practice in Zurich since 1985, where she offers consultations for private individuals and companies. She is regularly featured in print media, radio and TV. She also gives talks and leads vision days and retreats as well as workshops on time quality, time perception and time competence. Monica Kissling has been President of the Swiss Astrologers' Association (SAB) since 2019.

Personal development and further training are also very important to her. What are your interests? Where are you still lacking knowledge?

Seize your chance

On June 3, a promising harmonious constellation forms between Jupiter and Pluto. It offers ideal conditions for presenting your ideas, as you can now find influential partners. Who could support your project?

You can use June 3 and 4 for presentations of all kinds. Don't be afraid to think a little bigger. Show your self-confidence and point out the potential of your ideas.

These days are also very good for investing in a sustainable project yourself or adjusting your portfolio.

What do you want to achieve?

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius in the 1st decade in particular have opportunities for personal development. Perhaps a promotion is on the horizon, or there may be an opportunity to work abroad for a while.

The other zodiac signs can now also ask themselves where they can exert their influence. Where can you personally make a difference? Make the most of your opportunities!

And use the power of your thoughts: they determine the direction you take.

Turn on the charm

Another beautiful constellation awaits you at the beginning of June: the Sun and Venus are dancing together in the sky. This means you can now present yourself in the best light and let your charm shine through.

You can find new business partners or use the hyperactive flirtation stars to flirt with a new love. Compliments and appreciative comments will open many doors for you now.

Unpleasant change of mood

On the weekend of June 8/9, Saturn, the spoilsport, unfortunately comes into play. Some pleasures will be short-lived.

Saturn forces you to take a closer look and always finds a fly in the ointment. Where you just saw great opportunities, you now see problems.

Favorable days in June 2024

  • June 3 to 5: Effective communication, persuasiveness, finding powerful partners, starting sustainable projects, being able to exert influence, artistic successes, good instincts, important insights, inspiring acquaintances, sparkling flirtations (Jupiter trine Pluto, Mercury sextile Neptune and trine Jupiter-Pluto, Sun conjunct Venus and sextile the Moon's nodes).

Upsets occur because you or those around you are dissatisfied with certain things and criticize. Self-criticism is also part of Saturn's repertoire. Don't be too hard on yourself and others and be cautious with reproaches.

Show appreciation

In times like these, an appreciative attitude is particularly important. You should cultivate relationships with people who are important to you. Say thank you for what others do for you. And show genuine interest in their well-being.

Small talk is not the order of the day under profound Saturn. Phrases can even lead to blockages. You will also distance yourself if you notice that others are only superficially interested in you.

Clarify relationships

A new lunar cycle begins with the Gemini new moon on June 6. This new moon is accompanied by Venus, the goddess of love, which means that almost everything will revolve around relationships over the next few days and weeks.

The love stars would actually be in a flirtatious mood, but Saturn brings resistance into play. So it won't be easy. New acquaintances need time to develop. And some come to a quick end because their needs are too different.

Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2024.
Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2024.
Monica Kissling

Eliminate disruptive factors

In everyday life and at work, things are likely to get stuck here and there in the near future. There will be teething troubles with new projects and, in the worst case, a false start.

So now is the time to identify and eliminate disruptive factors. Check how you can make projects fly. Pay particular attention to the finances, as they could be the cause of problems.

Also check what does not need to be changed but, on the contrary, can be strengthened. What is good as it is?

Set priorities

In the sign of versatile Gemini, you are open to all sorts of things, but it's easy to get bogged down. Saturn now demands that you concentrate on the essentials.

Set priorities. Do less, but do it thoroughly. And see it through to the end. Give yourself enough time and take your time with new things, it's easy on the nerves.

Saturn takes some of the momentum and lightness out of your plans. So you can't do anything lightly now. Be well prepared in business matters. Inform yourself carefully and think projects through thoroughly.

Gather your strength

It is also very important that you gather your strength now. You may have exhausted yourself under the activist stars of the past few weeks.

From June 9, the energy planet Mars will be moving through Taurus and you should take a more leisurely pace.

Strengthen your own physical strength by not constantly pushing yourself to the limit, but taking time to relax, enjoy and regenerate.

Eat a healthy diet

Also make sure that you eat healthy, fresh food instead of ready-made products. What you feed your body is essential for your well-being. This is a good time to change your diet.

Pay close attention to your energy levels. What robs you of energy and what strengthens you? What are your sources of strength in everyday life?

Power struggles and blockages

Things can get tough from June 10 to 12. Mars is in the field of tension with the power planet Pluto, which points to fierce confrontations, especially in the professional sphere. There is also a difficult constellation of the communication planet Mercury, which is likely to bring criticism and accusations.

Conversations could now be permanently disrupted. Stubbornness and intransigence prevent compromises. If constructive dialog is not possible, a break in the conversation is recommended.

Resolve conflicts instead of fueling them

Anger can now be unleashed very violently. Not only among those who always take to the barricades anyway, but especially among people who have previously held back.

Those who have not said anything out of politeness or fear of conflict are suddenly in a rage. Peace-loving contemporaries can suddenly turn into furies.

Make sure that you don't accumulate frustration yourself. Don't swallow your anger, but say as directly as possible if something doesn't agree with you. This will help you avoid overreacting.

Love cannot be forced

Pressure also builds up in love relationships from June 8 to 16. Venus runs through the field of tension between Saturn and Lilith, which leads to dissatisfaction and accusations. If demands are added to this or an ultimatum is issued, this can lead to an ice age in relationships.

It can suddenly become too much for one partner. Withdrawal and silence are the consequences. Be careful not to put pressure on your loved ones and not to put pressure on them. And be prepared to endure a moment of withdrawal.

Abrupt turns

On June 16, both Venus and Mercury are in the field of tension of Lilith. This can lead to discord in heart-to-heart relationships and to sudden turns of feeling. The relationship stars are now very unpredictable.

Unexpected distancing is just as possible as a brash approach with a demanding component. Lilith brings ambivalent, changeable feelings that trigger confusion: in yourself or in the other person.

Keeping your distance from feelings

It is also possible that you are now disconnected from your feelings, so that you are no longer aware of what is going on inside you or what the other person is feeling.

It can therefore be helpful not to follow your spontaneous impulses today, but to first recognize ambivalent and confusing feelings - and to endure them.

Find clarity about your feelings and needs before you enter into a dialog. And then let your heart speak. This is how you can melt the ice.

Ambiguity and confusion

From June 17 to 20, there will be a period of greater confusion, which is partly due to misunderstandings. Messages from other people are very often misinterpreted.

Before you sign important agreements, there is still a lot to clarify. This can take until the end of June. Don't force things, the risk of deception is very high at the moment. And what is true today may be different tomorrow.

Rumors and disinformation

The second half of the month could also see the rumor mill churning, with false accusations and defamation, as well as "alternative facts" or targeted disinformation.

Challenging days in June 2024

  • June 8/9: Resistance, blockages, criticism, dissatisfaction, problems in love, rejection, feelings of inferiority (Venus square Saturn, Sun square Saturn).
  • June 11/12: Power struggles, escalation of conflicts, "all or nothing" attitude, stubbornness, intransigence, ruthlessness, blame (Mars square Pluto, Mercury square Saturn).
  • June 16/17: discordant tones, misunderstandings, double messages, uncompromising demands, ultimatums, false hopes, disappointments, irritation, rampant fantasy, insatiable longing, heartache ( Venus square Lilith, Mercury square Lilith, Mercury conjunct Venus square Neptune).
  • June 20: Rumors, intrigue, bullying, discrimination, crossing red lines ( Sun square Neptune, Sun square Lilith).

The danger of intrigue and deceit is increased. Don't let yourself be taken for a ride. Indiscretions and secret service activities could also make headlines.

High distractibility

In a professional environment, absent-mindedness leads to more careless mistakes. And in your personal life, you may want to distract yourself from problems.

You can find distraction by socializing with friends or pursuing a hobby. However, escaping into alcohol or drugs is not advisable.

A moody start to summer

The evening of June 20 is the summer solstice. The Sun now enters the emotional zodiac sign of Cancer. This gives you deeper access to your feelings, but you also react more sensitively.

Because the Sun is now in the field of tension between Neptune and Lilith, you are hypersensitive and react extremely strongly to those around you. This can lead to a wild ride on the rollercoaster of emotions. On June 21, at least common sense will come to your aid.

Upsetting full moon

The full moon on June 22 is an invitation to open your heart: to others, but also to yourself. Be aware of your needs and take good care of yourself.

Something new can now manifest in your soul. However, your desire for security could prevent you from engaging more deeply with it emotionally. Take your time to open up to new connections.

Capricorn Full Moon on June 22, 2024.
Capricorn Full Moon on June 22, 2024.
Monica Kissling

The mental cinema is running at full speed

The Capricorn Full Moon also prompts you to confront your fears and inner resistance.

Ambivalent or strange feelings may arise that you can't really put your finger on. It is also not easy to tell whether the images that arise are premonitions or whether your imagination is playing tricks on you and making you believe certain things.

Dreams and premonitions

The challenging constellation between Neptune and Lilith can also cause confused or wild dreams in the days following the Full Moon.

Whether your dream indicates something that could actually happen or whether it is just your subconscious revealing itself through a dream is difficult to decipher. Ultimately, you have to trust your intuition.

If you are having nightmares now, it is important that you don't give them too much power. Make a conscious effort to let go of your fears. Hypnotherapy could also be helpful for specific problems.

Listen to your inner voice

The last week of June could generally be accompanied by confusing and disconcerting events. Neptune, the planet of deception, is dominant.

This means you see many things in a "blurred" way. Something new is preparing to happen, but it's not yet clear exactly what. Listen inwards now. Feel what needs more space in your life.

Difficult communication

The crescent moon is on June 28, while at the same time the communication stars are causing confusion or upset. Clumsy statements can lead to emotional injury.

Speculation, fears and personal insecurity can also disrupt communication. If supposedly clarifying conversations lead to even more confusion, it is better to try again later.

Find inner clarity

On June 29, Saturn, the planet of clarification, comes to a standstill. It also marks a moment of pause. You may need or want to take a step back now. What still needs to be worked through? And where do you need more certainty?

The aim is to become clear about your needs and goals. Then you can also create clarity in your environment.

Release blockages

Patience and composure are important now. It is quite possible that you now have the impression that you are not getting anywhere. It is therefore important to identify possible resistance and blockages.

To do this, it is important to recognize the unresolved issues and blockages as parts of your personality. Feelings that you did not want to feel or could not bear could block the flow of your energy. These repressed feelings want to be released now.

The monthly horoscope as a podcast