Djamila Rowe on her finances "The liaison with the prince was arranged from start to finish"

Bruno Bötschi


Jungle camp winner Djamila Rowe is a trash TV icon. The 56-year-old Berliner's career began 20 years ago. But has this career also brought her wealth?


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  • Djamila Rowe is an icon of trash TV.
  • In the "Spiegel TV" film "From the jungle to success - let's talk about money" by Markus Grün, the 56-year-old talks about her finances.
  • Her career began 20 years ago during the reality TV show "Die Alm" on ProSieben.
  • "Back then, it was also done for a headline in 'Bild'. That was important," says Rowe.

Djamila Rowe is considered an icon of trash TV. The Berliner lets this happen to her and goes her own way - and quite successfully at that.

"Be smart, play dumb," says the 56-year-old in the "Spiegel TV" film "Aus dem Dschungel in den Erfolg - Reden wir über Geld" by Markus Grün.

Starting as a substitute candidate in the jungle camp in 2023, she won the sympathy of TV viewers and was able to put the crown on her head in the end. The victory not only brought honor, but also 100,000 euros in winnings. "I can sleep more peacefully since then."

Djamila Rowe is afraid of a financial crash

Djamila Rowe says she is good with money. She also always counts exactly what goes in and out.

The fear of a financial crash has been in her bones since her childhood in the GDR, as has the fear of having to go hungry again at some point.

As soon as the Wall came down in Berlin, Djamila Rowe left immediately. "I packed my bags, closed the door to my apartment and left."

One of the first places she visited in the West was the cosmetics department in the KaDeWe department store in Berlin. Shortly afterwards, she started working there as a make-up artist.

Liaison with Prince von Hohenzollern "was arranged"

Rowe's career as a trash icon began 20 years ago during the reality TV show "Die Alm" on the ProSieben TV channel. After that, she did a lot of "bizarre things" to further increase her fame.

"Back then, it was also done for a headline in 'Bild'. That was important."

Djamila Rowe admits that she also did things that she would have been better off not doing - such as the liaison with Ferfried Prince of Hohenzollern. "It was all arranged from start to finish and part of the deal."

"Power is sexy," says Rowe. That's why, for her, a man doesn't necessarily have to be beautiful, but in a good position so that she can learn something or look up to him "because he has achieved something that fascinates me".

Rowe: "I won't put up with it"

She has never takenmoney for sex, says Djamila Rowe, even though she has often been offered it. "I won't put up with it." She was also repeatedly asked if she wanted to work as an escort.

Towards the end of the film, Rowe says again that she used to do a lot for a bit of press. Her first breast augmentation took place on a yacht in the open air on Lake Geneva. "That was pushing it to the limit."

However, the 56-year-old is not ashamed of anything she has done in her life to date. Because one thing is clear to her: "Money makes you happy if you handle it well and sensibly."

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