Goodbye annoying beasts Get rid of fruit flies with these 7 tips

Vanessa Büchel


Fruit flies are attracted to fruit. You should therefore not leave it out in the open.
Fruit flies are attracted to fruit. You should therefore not leave it out in the open.

Fruit flies are a common problem, especially in summer. Once the uninvited guests are in the kitchen, they become a real nuisance. What can be done to get rid of the little creatures?

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Fruit flies infest overripe fruit and vegetables, especially in summer, and become a real nuisance in the kitchen.
  • The little creatures are usually brought home from the supermarket because eggs or larvae are already in the fruit or vegetables.
  • With the right tips, you can get rid of these annoying beasts.

Fresh fruit in the bowl is delicious. Unfortunately, it's not just us humans who find this, but also fruit flies, which settle on the ripe fruit. The pests multiply particularly frequently and quickly, especially in summer.

As Susanne Moritz from the Bavarian consumer advice center explains, fruit flies need 30 days to multiply at 20 degrees - at 25 degrees it only takes 15 days.

The little creatures are annoying, but harmless to health. As a fruit fly can lay up to 400 eggs, you have probably already eaten some of them - this may sound disgusting, but it is not harmful. However, the pests ensure that the rotting process in food is accelerated.

Where do fruit flies come from?

To tackle the problem, you should first understand how fruit flies get into your kitchen in the first place. The pests feed on fruit, vegetables, juices, wine, vinegar or dried fruit. However, fruit flies prefer rotting and fermenting food.

They lay their eggs in the following places, among others:

  • in ripe to overripe fruit
  • in organic waste
  • in leftovers
  • in the drain
  • sometimes also on cut flowers

While they can also get into your home when you air out your home, you usually bring them home directly from shopping: this is because eggs and larvae are often already in the fruit and vegetables when we put them in the shopping basket at the store. At home, where it is warm, the fruit flies then hatch, lay more eggs - and develop into a real nuisance.

The most annoying thing about fruit flies: Compared to everyday flies, they definitely have a long lifespan, as female specimens can survive for up to eight weeks, while males only live for around ten days.

How can fruit flies be avoided?

1. rotting or fermenting food: Because fruit flies love overripe food, it should be destroyed immediately. So if you discover fermenting fruit, dispose of it immediately.

2. pack supplies well: Once rotting food has been sorted out, it is important to pack the still usable supplies well. It is best to store them dry and covered. Or in the fridge, where they are definitely safe from fruit flies.

3. keep waste bins closed: If there is food residue in the organic waste or garbage bin, this attracts fruit flies. Therefore, make sure that the bins are always well closed and emptied regularly.

4. close bottles: Liquids such as juice or wine can also attract the flying creatures. So avoid leaving open bottles lying around.

5. wash fruit well: Because eggs and larvae hide in freshly bought fruit and vegetables, but are barely visible to the naked eye, you should always wash everything thoroughly at home. And when shopping, make sure that no overripe or damaged fruit ends up in the cart.

6. do not leave any used dishes lying around: You shouldn't leave plates or cutlery or glasses soiled with leftover food standing around for too long, but wash them straight away or put them in the dishwasher.

7. keep an eye on the drain: The drain should also be clean of leftover food, because if it is flushed down the drain, a nest could develop. If fruit flies have already accumulated there, it may be advisable to flush them down with boiling water.

What household remedies help against fruit flies?

Once the fruit flies have spread, they buzz around the kitchen in large groups. You can then get rid of the annoying little creatures with specially designed traps or with simple household remedies.

You can catch fruit flies in a glass with a mixture of vinegar and water plus a splash of washing-up liquid . The smell of vinegar attracts the pests.

While fruit flies like the smell of vinegar, there are also odors that deter the flying beasts. For example, tomato leaves, fresh basil, clove oil, sliced raw potatoes or onions. Simply add a little of these to the fruit bowl.

Not a quick solution, but definitely a natural one: a carnivorous plant can also take care of the fruit fly plague.

Build your own fruit fly trap

Want to make a real trap? Then take a jam jar, stretch plastic wrap over it and poke small holes in it. A mixture of juice and vinegar will attract the fruit flies. The little creatures can then no longer escape from the glass.

A banana peel is even easier . It is best to place this in a plastic bag and wait until all the fruit flies have collected in it. You can then tie the bag together and take it outside.

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