Household tips for those who hate smoothing How to remove creases from your clothes without an iron

Vanessa Büchel


Is ironing not one of your favorite things to do? Then the right tips will help you get your clothes smooth without an iron.
Is ironing not one of your favorite things to do? Then the right tips will help you get your clothes smooth without an iron.

Ironing is one of the least favorite household chores. If you'd rather spend your time doing nicer things than standing at the ironing board, here are seven helpful tips on how to make your clothes wrinkle-free without ironing.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • If you don't want to go through everyday life with wrinkled clothes, you have to iron them.
  • However, ironing is one of the most unpopular household chores.
  • With the right tips, wrinkles can be removed from fabrics without an iron.
  • For example, using steam. Simply take your clothes into the bathroom while you shower.

Ironing is annoying. Many people agree on this. That's why I decided a while ago to only buy clothes that don't need ironing. But then I recently became weak again: I simply couldn't resist a beige linen summer dress.

And voilà, it happened - the least favorite of all household chores is back on my to-do list. Because otherwise I'd get critical looks if I left the house in wrinkled fabric.

In my eyes, however, there are so many better things I'd rather spend my time doing than standing behind a pile of laundry. Especially in summer, when the beautiful weather outside beckons. Excuse after excuse. I'm good at putting off ironing. No, I'm definitely not one of those people who find this household chore relaxing.

And then sometimes there are just situations where you don't have an iron to hand, like on vacation, but also in hectic everyday life when the iron doesn't work.

If you are one of those who don't like ironing, then you should definitely read on. blue News has collected helpful tips that promise to make your clothes smooth again, even without an iron.

Ironing without an iron - seven helpful tips

Tip 1: Steam from the shower

Steam is known to smooth fabrics. So here's a simple tip: hang your clothes on a hanger and place them in the bathroom while you take a hot shower. This will kill two birds with one stone.

With this trick, make sure that the steam builds up in the room. It's best to close the door and window to create a real cloud. Caution: The water should not come into direct contact with your clothes, only the steam will smooth them out.

Showering with hot water produces steam, which you can use to remove creases from your clothes.
Showering with hot water produces steam, which you can use to remove creases from your clothes.
Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa

From an environmental point of view, this method is probably not the best, as it takes ten to 20 minutes to get rid of creases, depending on the fabric. So if you want to save water, it's better to use other tricks.

2nd tip: Ice cubes in the tumbler

This trick also benefits from the smoothing effect of steam. To do this, put the laundry that you want to be wrinkle-free in the tumbler with a handful of ice cubes. Leave the machine to work its magic for around a quarter of an hour - the melting ice cubes create steam and make creases disappear.

Important: You must remove the laundry from the dryer immediately afterwards to prevent new creases from forming.

3rd tip: Textile crease sprays

For all those who don't like ironing , there are also special sprays on the market that are designed to remove creases from fabrics with just a few sprays.

How does it work? When using such products, you smooth out the sprayed clothes and then hang them up to dry. However, this can take some time, which is why this method is not necessarily suitable if you are pressed for time.

You can also use other mixtures to make creased clothes look nice again. For example, a mixture of water and fabric softener, which should have the same effect as the fabric crease sprays.

4th tip: Vinegar

But it's not just specially designed sprays or fabric softeners that help with smoothing clothes, vinegar is also a miracle cure that can be used in a variety of household applications, including smoothing.

Simply mix three parts warm water with one part vinegar in a spray bottle, spray onto the affected areas, hang up and leave to dry. And don't worry, the vinegar doesn't leave a strong odor.

5th tip: Hairdryer

If you have a hairdryer to hand - available in most hotels - you can easily blow-dry wrinkles out of your clothes. Before using this trick, remember to moisten your clothes, otherwise it won't work.

During the process itself, you should lay the items to be treated on a flat surface or hang them up to achieve the best result.

6th tip: Straightening iron

Another hair tool that not everyone has at home can also be used for ironing: You can easily remove unwanted creases from shirts or other items of clothing with a straightening iron . It is smaller and easier to handle, making it easy to take with you when traveling.

However, don't leave the heated iron in one place for too long, otherwise the fabric could be damaged.

7th tip: Place under the mattress

With this trick, creases disappear while you sleep - and you don't have to do much at all. Except prepare everything well. Because if you don't do this, the whole thing can backfire instead of improving the situation.

Simply put the clothes under the mattress overnight. The tricky part is that you really need to get the item into the right position to prevent further creases from forming. It is also important that the surface is completely flat.

Good preparation is the be-all and end-all

As with many other things, it is important to prepare properly when smoothing clothes. If you do everything right as a precaution, you don't even have to reach for the iron.

It can help to set the washing machine to a lower speed to prevent creasing.
It can help to set the washing machine to a lower speed to prevent creasing.

The following therefore applies: Reduce the spin speed of the washing machine to 800 revolutions - so that the laundry is not spun too hard - then shake out the damp clothes well, smooth them out and hang them up immediately.

When hanging up, make sure that the clothes are not exposed to any risk of creasing. In other words, it is best to hang the laundry on a hanger and leave it to dry.

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