Cleaning mistakes These are the 13 places you most often forget when cleaning

Vanessa Büchel


When cleaning, there are places that are usually forgotten.
When cleaning, there are places that are usually forgotten.
Christin Klose/dpa-tmn

Even if you clean regularly, there are still places that are teeming with germs. These 13 places in particular are often forgotten when cleaning. So make sure you remember them the next time you mop.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • There are places in the house or apartment that are forgotten during weekly cleaning.
  • In many cases, these are real germ hotspots that we come into contact with every day.
  • For example, we often don't think about door handles or light switches when cleaning.

While some people find cleaning and tidying up relaxing, for others it is an unpleasant must. But there's no getting around it: if you want to have a tidy home, you have to clean regularly.

Vacuuming, mopping floors, dusting, washing bed linen - the list of household chores is long and most corners are included in the regular cleaning routine.

But they do exist, and unfortunately some of them: the places that are often forgotten when cleaning. Although they are actually soiled by daily contact and therefore represent real germ hotspots.

So make sure you remember the following 13 places the next time you clean.

1. door handles and light switches

We usually touch them several times a day with our hands, which carry a lot of bacteria with them: we often don't think about door handles and light switches when cleaning. Yet they should definitely be cleaned of germs once or several times a month with a cloth and a little cleaning agent.

2. remote controls, cell phones and other electrical devices

Hand on heart: who hasn't sat on the toilet and scrolled through Instagram on their cell phone at the same time? Smartphones are said to carry many harmful bacteria, yet we don't clean them regularly. The same applies to laptops, keyboards, remote controls and other electronic devices. Even the TV could have a longer lifespan if it was regularly cleaned of dust.

And while we're on the subject: When watching TV, it goes into the chip bag and then straight to the control panel to zap. However, the small appliance is not cleaned - so make sure you remember to do this next time you do your weekly cleaning.

3. baseboards

Sure, it's not easy work, but it still has to be done. Dust and dirt also collects on the skirting boards. Just because you don't look down so often during the day doesn't mean it's not there.

4. doormat

The doormat is an everyday object that is often overlooked. Unless it's a fancy piece with bright colors or funny sayings. We walk over it every day and wipe the dirt from our shoes on it. So be sure to vacuum and/or damp clean the doormat from time to time.

5. cupboards

There is a lot of furniture within your own four walls. This includes shoe cabinets, wardrobes, fridges and other cupboards whose surfaces you may wipe down from time to time, but often ignore the top and inside. Sure, because there might be a lot stored in there and you can't see the bottom of the drawers or shelves because of all the things. But it's worth clearing out the contents and giving your cupboards a good clean.

6. books

Let's be honest: unfortunately, life is too short to read all the books on the shelves at home. That's why many of them just vegetate - and gather dust. Your tomes are then neglected when you clean them, even though they would certainly benefit from a good wipe down.

7. radiators, fans and vents

Although not in daily use or in contact with us, they are still susceptible to dirt: radiators, fans and ventilation systems also need regular cleaning. It is therefore essential to remove dirt from these areas from time to time.

8. underside of furniture

Recently looked under the bed again? You won't find monsters there , but rather gruesome specks of dust that will soon have taken on the shape of monsters. Even if you can't see the dirt under the furniture because it's well hidden, that doesn't mean you shouldn't wipe it down from time to time.

9. bed base and bed frame

The dust monster doesn't just lurk under the bed, the frame of your bed also attracts dirt. The bed linen is always thought of, but everything around it is often simply ignored.

10. beauty and make-up products

If you wear make-up every day, you use make-up brushes, sponges and other beauty utensils every day . Regularly touching and coming into contact with make-up products causes dirt to build up quickly. Tip: There are special cleaning agents for brushes.

11. toothbrush cup

Another germ trap in the bathroom: the toothbrush cup. While the toothbrush is changed regularly, the decorative object remains the same. It is recommended to clean it thoroughly once a week.

12. plants

Although artificial or easy-care plants can survive without much attention, they are still dust catchers. Wiping their leaves with a damp cloth from time to time will show them in a better light and won't hurt anyone. And your little green roommates - at least the living ones - will certainly thank you for it!

13. toilet brush and cleaning equipment

Probably the worst germ spinner in any home is the toilet brush. The toilet itself is meticulously cleaned, while the utensil used for this process is neglected. After the brush has been used to clean the toilet, it is usually stuffed straight back into the holder. However, the easiest way to clean the toilet brush is to pour the toilet cleaner into the toilet bowl and then hold the brush in it.

You should also clean the rest of your cleaning equipment from time to time. After all, you can only remove dirt from other things if your utensils are clean. If a rag already smells bad, then it should probably be disposed of or hot-washed.

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