More difficult than you think You make these 9 mistakes when doing the laundry

Vanessa Büchel


The laundry has to be done, no matter how much you dislike doing this household chore. But there are a few things you can do wrong with this simple everyday task.
The laundry has to be done, no matter how much you dislike doing this household chore. But there are a few things you can do wrong with this simple everyday task.

Put dirty clothes in the drum, close the door, press the 'start' button - doing laundry isn't that difficult. But you're wrong, there are quite a few things you can do wrong when doing regular housework.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Laundry is not a popular household chore, but it has to be done.
  • There are a few mistakes you can make when washing, such as not preparing the laundry or overloading the drum.
  • The right wash program is also important to prevent damage to your clothes.
  • Don't use a short wash program or fabric softener - this only harms the environment.

Washing clothes may not be one of your favorite everyday tasks, but it has to be done. At the latest, when the pile of laundry is so big that it almost collapses and you can't find anything to wear, then laundry has to be done.

Basically, it's not rocket science. But there are a few mistakes you can make in this simple everyday task. Some of them damage the clothes themselves, others hit your wallet and others can even mean that the machine has to be replaced sooner.

So if you avoid the following mishaps, you can not only save money, but also protect your clothes or give your washing machine a longer life.

1st mistake: Not sorting laundry beforehand

Preparation is the be-all and end-all and half the work. If you sort the dirty laundry by color before the actual process, you can get to work faster and protect the fabrics. Special types of textiles should be sorted out, as some require a gentler wash cycle than others.

2nd mistake: not closing zippers

But there are also other preparations to consider. You should definitely close zippers before you put the clothes in the drum. Because if they are left open, they can cause damage to other items.

3rd mistake: overloading the drum

Sure, you want to get as much laundry as possible clean at once, but too much laundry in the drum is not good. An overloaded machine is rather counterproductive: the clothes don't get properly clean because the water can't reach all areas. It also wears out the washing machine motor more quickly.

But even a washing machine that is only half full is no good, it just wastes energy, water and detergent.

It almost sounds as if loading the drum correctly is an art. As a rule of thumb, you can remember There should be about a hand's worth of space between the top of the drum and the laundry.

4th mistake: Too much detergent

It is a misconception that more detergent makes clothes cleaner. Because when washing clothes, less is more. Too much detergent not only means that streaks form on the clothes, but also that dirt and grease particles can remain on them because the machine cannot wash them out properly. Detergent residues can also damage the skin and the machine needs more water if there is too much foam in the drum.

It is always best to read the recommendations on the packet carefully - it states how much powder or liquid per kilo of laundry should go into the machine.

5th mistake: Choosing the wrong wash program

There is a reason why washing recommendations are written on the labels of clothes. To ensure that nothing happens to your clothes, you should really follow them. Incorrect settings can cause the laundry to shrink, discolor or become damaged.

Despite washing recommendations, it can be quite confusing to know which program to choose when there is so much choice. As a rule: 60 degrees for bed linen and towels, 30 to 40 degrees for normally soiled clothes and 30 degrees for delicates, wool, silk and synthetic laundry.

6th mistake: Set a short program

Even if it is tempting to run the short program under time pressure, it is better not to do so. This is because this setting requires much more energy and water than a normal wash cycle. Because the water has to be heated up in a shorter time to get the laundry clean, the machine uses vast amounts of electricity.

7th mistake: Using fabric softener with every wash cycle

Breathe in the fresh scent of the towels after washing - did the fabric softener deliver what it promised? In any case, it hasn't done the environment any good. Unnecessary laundry additives such as fabric softener often contain chemicals that are not only harmful to the environment, but can also trigger allergic reactions or skin irritation. Fabric softeners also make towels and tea towels less absorbent.

8th mistake: closing the door immediately after the wash cycle

Once the wash is finished, the washing machine door is closed immediately. This may look good, but it is not good for the machine. This prevents the moisture from evaporating - the best conditions for mold, bacteria and foul odors.

9th mistake: Cleaning the machine too little

The washing machine is there to get our clothes clean again. However, the machine itself also needs a little clean from time to time. It should be cleaned at least once a month to prevent mold from forming and to remove detergent deposits. The rubber seals in particular should be wiped down, as this is a popular place for residues.

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