Working conditions Protest letter from the technical theater staff in Basel


25.9.2024 - 17:09

An open letter of protest from the technical staff was read out on Theaterplatz.
An open letter of protest from the technical staff was read out on Theaterplatz.

In an open letter of protest, the technical staff of Theater Basel complains about a lack of concessions on the part of the theater management in the current CLA negotiations. The focus is on a reduction in weekly working hours and wage increases. The protest letter was handed over on Wednesday.


Around 50 employees and representatives of the Vpod and Unia trade unions took part in the protest action.

The CLA negotiations have been going on for almost a year. According to the letter from the technical staff, no agreement is yet in sight: "While the workload of the employees is constantly increasing, the willingness of the theater to find a solution is decreasing noticeably," it says.

There are differences primarily regarding the desired weekly working hours and wages. The staff are demanding a 38-hour week, while the theater only wants to reduce the working week by 2 hours to 40 hours and only allow this to take effect in four years, according to the letter. In addition, the reduction is to be combined with a complete flexibilization of working hours. This would make it impossible to reconcile work and private life.

The technical staff also complained that the theater management had revealed details of the negotiations to the media. This represents a breach of trust and jeopardizes a negotiated solution.

The technical staff include the stage technology, lighting, sound technology, props department, checkroom and admission, the various workshops, the dressing service, event technology, housekeeping and the porte. Around 230 people are covered by the current CLA.