Cantonal vote ZG Counter-proposal to Zug's transparency initiative passes


22.9.2024 - 13:55

On Sunday, voters in Zug approved the leaner counter-proposal to the Young Alternative's transparency initiative. This means that only the principles of the initiative will be written into the constitution, while the details are to be regulated in a law.

The voters followed the government and cantonal council and approved the counter-proposal to the constitutional initiative by 16,360 votes in favor to 15,093 against, according to the State Chancellery. This corresponds to 52 percent of the votes in favor. The constitutional initiative itself was rejected by 14,761 votes in favor to 17,361 against. The turnout was 43.5 percent.

This means that the concerns of the initiators will not be regulated at constitutional level. The counter-proposal will only enshrine the principles of the initiative with regard to funding and binding interests. The specific details will be laid down in law.

Zug had already voted on this proposal on June 9. However, the vote was declared invalid due to problems with the count.