August horoscope Monica Kissling: "The full moon provides plenty of fuel"

Bruno Bötschi


A month full of surprises and sudden twists and turns awaits you. The full moon on August 19 in particular has it all: you will be faced with completely new challenges.

The two visionary planets Jupiter and Uranus are still moving forward in August and will give your inspiration wings.

There is no shortage of creative and sometimes very unusual ideas. The contact stars also promise a wealth of inspiration. However, you may not be able to put them into practice, or at least not yet.

Many planets are retrograde in the second half of the year - and Mercury will join them in August. So things often go backwards instead of forwards, or you are zigzagging or heading into a headwind.

Detours can be appealing

Don't be discouraged, but don't force things either. With Mercury retrograde, you will usually only reach your goal by taking detours. That's a good thing.

You can discover a lot of new things on detours. And you can meet people you wouldn't have met otherwise.

Let chance take its course and be happy if not everything goes according to plan. The stars will help you to leave your everyday routine behind and discover the joy of improvisation.

Keep your exuberance in check

Under the Cancer Moon, you'll enjoy celebrating the Swiss National Day on August 1 with your family and close friends. Although Uranus promises exuberant festive joy, it also tempts you to be overconfident. You should therefore be careful with fireworks.

About the person: Monica Kissling
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Monica Kissling, alias Madame Etoile, has been working as an astrologer in her own practice in Zurich since 1985, where she offers consultations for private individuals and companies. She is regularly featured in print media, radio and TV. She also gives talks and leads vision days and retreats as well as workshops on time quality, time perception and time competence. Monica Kissling has been President of the Swiss Astrologers' Association (SAB) since 2019.

Because Chiron is practically stationary, mindfulness is generally advised. Be considerate of other people, animals and nature.

You may also need to take care of your health and refrain from excesses.

Love stars who like to experiment

What you can do, on the other hand, is set off some love fireworks.

At the beginning of August, Leo's Venus conjuncts imaginative Uranus. Get creative and do something special with your sweetheart.

In general, unexpected developments are possible in love now. Singles are particularly keen to experiment and feelings quickly ignite. Adventure beckons.

Party time

On the weekend of August 3-4, you can celebrate your love or invite someone to a big party. The Leo New Moon promises a very warm atmosphere.

People are open and generous, and above all very creative: spontaneous music and dance interludes are always welcome. Live and let live is the motto. And a little luxury is also allowed.

Leo new moon on August 4, 2024.
Leo new moon on August 4, 2024.
Picture: Monica Kissling

More sobriety

Not exactly a hangover mood, but more sobriety will set in from August 5 when Venus moves into reserved Virgo.

Having just been fiery and exuberant, the goddess of love is now showing herself to be more sensible. A relationship is not a constant celebration, but must also function in everyday life.

Your attention is now focused on very practical things, such as sharing household tasks or planning time together. Plan in such a way that there is plenty of time for enjoyable time together in addition to your everyday obligations.

Go over the books

Mercury is retrograde from August 5 to 28. It starts this phase in the zodiac sign of Virgo and goes back into Leo on August 15.

Mercury is particularly fussy in Virgo. What is good for accountants and tax auditors can be annoying in everyday life.

Rules and bureaucracy can cost you valuable time. Contemporaries who nag and stubbornly nitpick details can put you in a bad mood.

Seek and ye shall find

Mercury retrograde is favorable, however, if you have to finish a demanding exam paper.

And, of course, if you want to have a good clear-out at home or in the office. It's quite possible that you'll find something you've been missing for a long time, such as a piece of jewelry.

Everything takes time

Mercury retrograde, on the other hand, is a hindrance to rapid progress. This is particularly annoying now that Mars, the planet of activity in hyperactive Gemini, really wants to get going.

Use the waiting time to network. Connect with people who interest you and get in touch with former business partners and old acquaintances.

Business in a pleasant atmosphere

On August 7 and 8, Mercury retrograde meets Venus in Virgo. This is a wonderful opportunity to combine business with pleasure. New business ideas are born over a business lunch or aperitif.

The lucky planet Jupiter is also in the mix now. This makes it easy to establish beneficial relationships.

The main thing is movement

Mars in sociable and uncomplicated Gemini offers ideal conditions for approaching other people. Joint activities, especially of a sporting nature, are particularly enjoyable.

Find your sports buddy or book a personal trainer. The main thing is exercise, preferably in the fresh air. If you need a new hobby: try cycling, jogging, hiking, swimming or dancing.

Everything at once is usually too much

The downside of Gemini Mars is the tendency to do too much at once. This can cause stress in your free time, while multitasking at work can lead to careless mistakes.

Favorable days in August 2024

  • August 7 to 9: Optimism, generosity, encouragement, recognition, enriching encounters, fruitful conversations, declarations of love, happy coincidences, solving a problem (Sun sextile Jupiter, retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus).
  • August 26-30: Pleasant surprises, sparkling encounters, great flirtation stars, erotic flights of fancy, love rush, passion, joy of experimentation, creativity (Venus trine Uranus, Venus opposition Neptune, Venus trine Pluto).

You shouldn't get bogged down in your job. Collect ideas, brainstorm, but don't get started straight away. Always do one thing at a time! Otherwise there will be idle time. Or you'll be disappointed because you promised too much.

Lots of hot air

On August 14, Mars meets Jupiter in Gemini, which will blow things out of proportion. Therefore, don't take everything that is said or written at face value.

Under this planetary duo, a lot of hot air is blown, unverified news is circulated or rumors are spread.

Big, bigger, biggest

Even supposed high-flyers can make the headlines: personalities like Elon Musk or AI investors who boost the stock markets with spectacular announcements.

However, it remains to be seen whether great ideas are also sustainable; for now, it's all speculation.

No pain, no gain

The problem: the critic Saturn is approaching and will dampen the high expectations shortly afterwards, on August 16. Problems can arise that quickly.

Above all, it now becomes clear that many things cannot be achieved quickly and easily. You also need the right work ethic, diligence and discipline. And a willingness to accept criticism is needed so that weak points can be improved.

Look and listen carefully

Too much euphoria, too high expectations and impatience are generally a problem in August. Mercury is retrograde and always shows where there is still a fly in the ointment.

The risk of overlooking something important is also greatly increased this month. It is therefore advisable to check everything thoroughly.

Flirt offensive

Gemini Mars can also tempt you to flirt excessively in August. This can go well or be too much of a good thing. In any case:

Watch the other person's reaction carefully.

Venus, the goddess of love, is rather reserved in Virgo and tests relationships for their substance. In other words, she doesn't fall for empty promises.

Surprising twists and turns

On August 18, Mercury retrograde, which enters the field of tension of eccentric Uranus, causes nervousness. News now requires changes to the program. Surprising reversals are also part of the planetary duo's repertoire.

The best way to get through the day is with flexibility and a talent for improvisation. New ideas are also needed to react to a changed situation. Don't rush into decisions, even if everything seems super urgent.

High tension at the full moon

The Aquarius full moon on August 19 may be good for several surprises. Hardly anything goes according to plan now. Anything is possible, except normality!

This will be an exciting day, especially for Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio in the 3rd decade. In positive cases, unexpected solutions will emerge, but setbacks are also to be expected.

Aquarius full moon on August 19, 2024.
Aquarius full moon on August 19, 2024.
Monica Kissling

Pull plan B out of the hat

Breakdowns, power failures or deliberate disruptive maneuvers affect processes. The weather and technology can go haywire - and so can people.

This full moon demands both an immediate and appropriate response. In the event of a conflict, you should never add fuel to the fire.

Increased danger

In global affairs, dangerous events can occur in the days around the full moon, such as an escalation of violence, warlike events or threats from natural phenomena such as storms, fires and earthquakes.

Sudden and sharp changes on the financial markets are also possible. The days around the full moon have an unpredictable, disruptive quality. The Democratic Party conference is currently taking place in the USA - it will be very exciting.

It should also be mentioned that Donald Trump was born under such a "Uranus full moon", which explains his eccentricity.

A sensitive damper

On August 19, there will also be a tense constellation between Jupiter and Saturn. It mainly affects Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius and Virgo.

With Jupiter and Saturn, two opposites meet: Jupiter, the principle of growth, expansion and confidence; Saturn, the principle of reduction, contraction and pessimism.

This can now lead to major corrections, for example to growth forecasts. Projects that are too ambitious will have to be scaled back. There is a general threat of austerity programs and redundancies.

Medium-term correction cycle

The current Jupiter-Saturn constellation is the first of three in a series:

It will be repeated next December, where it is again likely to be drastic, and will conclude in June 2025.

Until then, cutbacks in the business environment will be required again and again; it's a stop-and-go.

Don't be discouraged

If you now feel like you're stuck and not getting anywhere, you're probably in good company and shouldn't let yourself get too down. Check what is realistic and stick to it with patience and discipline.

It's better to withdraw from projects or people you don't trust.

Rollercoaster of emotions

The love stars won't make it easy for you on this full moon day either. Venus is in conflict with Jupiter, which raises high hopes, while spoilsport Saturn causes disillusionment shortly afterwards.

Challenging days in August 2024

  • August 15/16: Resistance, blockades, disputes, strikes, overstepping boundaries, harshness, violence, pressure to make decisions (Mars square Saturn).
  • August 18/19: High irritability, impatience, provocations, disruptive actions, incidents, accidents, technical breakdowns, sudden turns, backtracking, setbacks, disappointments, separations, crises of confidence (Mercury retrograde conjunct Sun square Uranus, Aquarius full moon, Venus square Jupiter opposition Saturn).
  • August 22/23: Differences of opinion, criticism, relationship conflicts, conflicts of values, sexual and/or financial problems, pushiness, demands (Venus square Mars).

You are emotionally torn and need to find your inner center again. There is a great danger of falling back into old emotional patterns.

In other words, you may react in the same way as you had planned never to again. So be careful and don't react in the heat of the moment, especially not out of frustration.

Work out relationship conflicts

The week of August 19 is a difficult one for love. On August 23, Venus, the goddess of love, is exactly in the field of tension of the conflict planet Mars, which is already noticeable a few days earlier.

So now it's all about discussing different needs and views and finding compromises to resolve relationship conflicts. This will be a difficult task, especially for Virgos and Geminis.

Communication is generally not easy. Some may take things lightly, others may harp on about an issue.

Nobody is perfect

Venus, the goddess of love, is particularly critical in Virgo. This means that you or your sweetheart are now prone to excessive criticism. If possible, refrain from holding everything against each other that is not going perfectly in the relationship.

Finances can also give rise to arguments. It is certainly worth clarifying budget issues now. Who pays for what? False expectations can otherwise lead to resentment.

Love frustration is followed by love lust

As early as August 24, but especially in the week of August 26, tensions can ease. Venus is now conjunct Uranus, which makes creative solutions possible. You no longer see things so narrowly.

A conjunction between Venus and Pluto also awakens passionate feelings. The desire for physical closeness and intense sexuality is strong. If you don't take the initiative on your own, you'll be tempted.

Let your art of seduction play out

Neptune, the romantic and dream dancer, will set hearts aflutter on August 28. In a duo with Pluto, it offers ideal conditions for emotional and erotic flights of fancy.

No wonder you'll fall head over heels in love now! If you meet someone who blows your mind, pull out all the seductive stops. You can also revive the eroticism in an existing relationship now.

It's best to plan your vacation in this last week of August so you have enough time for sensual moments with your sweetheart. There's not much going on in business this week as Mercury is practically stationary.

Impatience is on the rise

From August 29, Mercury will be moving forward again, but only slowly. Therefore: take it easy. Even if Uranus is already moving into position and spurring on your impatience.

Your urge to take action and change things in your life will grow ever stronger.

Before you get started: Use the last weekend in August to gather some final ideas - or for a lavish party, because the party stars are in top form once again.

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