When guests take things with them Can I pack the shower gel from the hotel?

Vanessa Büchel


Guests often take things from hotel rooms. Sometimes it's the bathrobe, but towels, toiletries and writing utensils are also popular.
Guests often take things from hotel rooms. Sometimes it's the bathrobe, but towels, toiletries and writing utensils are also popular.
PantherMedia / Alexander Scheible

For some hotel guests, the temptation is too great when the bathrobe is so fluffy - and poof, it ends up in the suitcase. But what are you allowed to take out of your hotel room and when is it theft?

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Many guests take small souvenirs from their hotel room.
  • Sometimes these include bathrobes, but mostly hygiene products or pens.
  • HotellerieSuisse clarifies: "In principle, taking consumables is legally considered theft."
  • Hotel guests also like to help themselves at the breakfast buffet and take a supply for the day with them.

The small toiletries from the hotel room are so practical for traveling. But are guests even allowed to pack them? Hotel slippers also often end up in the suitcase after the stay. After all, they are comfortable and can be worn at home.

Vinzenz van den Berg, media spokesman for HotellerieSuisse, explains to thieves in no uncertain terms: "In principle, taking consumables such as soaps, pens, shower gels, shampoos and other items with you after your stay is legally considered theft - because everything in a hotel room is the property of the hotel."

Guests are of course entitled to use everything that is available in their room during their stay. "Among other things, this also applies to utensils provided in the bathroom," writes van den Berg at the request of blue News.

However, anyone who thinks they can pack anything from the hotel as a souvenir is wrong. According to the HotellerieSuisse media spokesperson, this could actually be theft: "Few guests are aware of this and it is usually not handled so strictly in the establishments." Operators are often simply friendly and turn a blind eye.

So be careful when packing hotel items. The hotel will usually let you get away with misplacing small hygiene products, but it could be a different story with larger items such as a bathrobe or towel.

Van den Berg says: "The situation is different for products that are not intended for consumption, such as bathrobes or towels. If these products are to be taken away as souvenirs, hotels often sell them to guests and communicate this to them."

Hygiene products disappear the most

As an analysis by Statista shows, hotel guests most frequently help themselves to toiletries. This is followed by writing utensils and then towels. Five percent of guests also pack their bathrobe, and two percent go even further and steal from the interior, such as furniture, pillows or hairdryers.

If something is missing from the minibar on departure or other items have been taken, the hotel can charge this to the credit card. "Or the hotel can charge it afterwards."

In the case of high-value products, the hotel may well include the theft.

Is packing allowed at the breakfast buffet?

The temptation is also great at the breakfast buffet: the selection is ready - and then everything ends up in the bin anyway, right? Nevertheless, it is not legally permitted to pack a snack bag. "The breakfast buffet is there to provide food during the meal in question," clarifies van den Berg.

If nothing special has been agreed, the guest is not allowed to pack for the day. If an establishment clearly indicates this on a menu, then the situation is different.

So be careful on your next trip. Even if the temptation is great and the hotels are usually lenient, it is better to keep your hands off, because anyone who takes things from the room is committing theft.

Have you ever had something stolen from your hotel?

  • Be honest: you've probably packed something from your hotel room before.
  • Be it an opened shower gel or a ballpoint pen...
  • Tell us what ended up in your suitcase and email us now at user.feedback@blue.ch

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