Before the Italy clash Yakin doesn't let us look at his cards - Sommer smiles away the question of favorites

Patrick Lämmle


Murat Yakin at the press conference ahead of the match against Italy.
Murat Yakin at the press conference ahead of the match against Italy.
Screenshot: SRF

On the day before the round of 16 clash against Italy, national team coach Murat Yakin and goalkeeper Yann Sommer answer journalists' questions.


On the day before the match against Italy, national team coach Murat Yakin doesn't reveal his cards. For example, he leaves the question of who will replace the yellow card suspended Silvan Widmer unanswered. After the last game, he said that Leonidas Stergiou was ready. On Friday evening, the national team coach said: "I'm happy that I have several options."

They are well prepared for Italy, who have played many different systems at this European Championship. However, the national team coach is only marginally interested in this. The focus is on his own team. "We want to control our opponents and hopefully surprise them," said Yakin.

The anticipation is palpable for Yakin, who also talks about his "perfect relationship" with Granit Xhaka and has nothing but praise for Dan Ndoye. It should be a match of equals: "I don't want to give anyone the role of favorite, that would be too easy. It's a special game for us."

Goalkeeper Yann Sommer sounds a little different minutes earlier, smiling away the question of whether Switzerland are the favorites: "No, I wouldn't say that. We're playing against the 2022 European champions. Italy have also been world champions. I see Italy as the favorite. We'll be ready and are really looking forward to this game. But we're playing against the reigning European champions, which says a lot."

Listen to the media conference

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  • The media conference is over

    That's it for the media conference. Tomorrow at 18:00, the words will be followed by deeds.

  • What kind of Italy are you expecting?

    They play different systems. Our team is prepared for that. Italy is a country of many tactics, which I really like. It's one of the only countries that plays man-to-man defense all over the pitch. But we want to focus on ourselves. We want to control our opponents and hopefully surprise them.

  • How would you describe Scamacca?

    He's a player who can hold onto balls and also defend well. He's a complete player. I hope we defend him well.

  • Stergiou not surely Widmer's replacement?

    That is correct. I'm happy that I have several options. Stergiou could remain a good option.

  • Yakin on Ndoye, who is in talks with Inter

    His development is one of the best things I've seen. Also that he became an important regular at Bologna. He's still young and brings us a lot of joy. He can also still play very carefree. That goal against Germany certainly did him a lot of good. I don't know whether he's ready for a transfer. We haven't talked about that either.

  • How will Widmer be replaced

    We're now in the fourth game, so there are changes. Whether it's suspensions or injuries. We are in the fortunate situation that we have no injuries and everyone is in top shape. We are well prepared and have the substitute ready. We've tested two variations, but we don't know which one it will be yet. We've seen that Italy have also played different systems. We are well prepared and don't want to change much.

  • Yakin on good moments

    People keep asking me what was the best experience? I've been a coach for 20 years. I'm just happy that I can experience moments like tomorrow. There are great games every year. Except maybe last year, when we had to fight our way through. But now we have a good flow. Italy is a great game. I don't want to give anyone the role of favorite, that would be too easy. It's a special game for us. Hopefully we'll have the happy ending.

  • Lessons from the round of 16 against Portugal

    These are different tournaments. I'm not very interested in what happened in the past. I'm interested in what's going to happen on the pitch tomorrow. We're in good shape, we've proven that. Everyone is on board, no one is ill or injured. We also have a good atmosphere and have worked hard to get to where we are. It's a completely new challenge and a new game. And we're looking forward to the fans.

  • Yakin's relationship with Xhaka

    That's an old story. It's a minority of journalists who had conjured up a problem. Granit and I have a perfect relationship. We are both winners and want to win every game. We are not above the team. We only focus on the national team. What was written is an old thing. I only focus on what I can influence tomorrow.

  • Has Switzerland prepared for a penalty shoot-out?

    We had enough time this week to practise taking penalties. Everyone was allowed to take one and we took notes. But it's not the same in training as it is in the game in pressure and stress situations. But we hope the game is decided beforehand, regardless of who wins.

  • The Q&A session with Yakin begins

    Nati coach Murat Yakin (left) puts his trust in goalkeeper Yann Sommer.
    Nati coach Murat Yakin (left) puts his trust in goalkeeper Yann Sommer.
    Picture: Imago
  • Yann Sommer goes, Yakin comes

    Yann Sommer leaves the podium. Murat Yakin will shortly be answering journalists' questions.

  • Contact with Inter players?

    Sommer: I had contact with the Inter players. Not before the game, of course. But we've written again and again. And I'm looking forward to seeing the lads.

  • Goal against Italy?

    Sommer: We've already been through a few round of 16 finals with Switzerland. Of course we want to progress. It's very important what form we're in on the day. Will it be our side or Italy's? Of course we can influence that, and we'll try to do so.

  • Is Switzerland the favorite?

    Sommer: No, I wouldn't say that. We're playing against the 2022 European champions. Italy have also been world champions. I see Italy as the favorite. We'll be ready and are really looking forward to this game. But we're playing against the reigning European champions, which says a lot.

  • How do you see Donnarumma?

    Sommer: An absolute top goalkeeper. I've played against him a few times since he joined PSG. He's still very young, but already has a lot of experience. I really enjoy watching him. He's a very exciting goalkeeper. Great goalkeeper, very complete, very quick.

  • Do you expect more work?

    Sommer: We'll see. It's extremely pleasing how we've defended so far. With great spirit. It was difficult to create chances against us. They have good runs, good finishes. We'll need to put in another good defensive performance. If that works, Italy will also have difficulties.

  • Swiss goalies train with special goggles

    Sommer: We've been working with the goggles for several years now, which is a good stimulus. We've also made some progress as a result.

    Yann Sommer and his team have been training with special glasses for years.
    Yann Sommer and his team have been training with special glasses for years.
  • Sommer is looking forward to another round of 16

    Sommer: I always find it difficult to make comparisons with previous games. We have an extremely great atmosphere in the team. I'm really looking forward to playing in this round of 16, it's a big game for both teams.

  • Sommer is asked about a possible penalty shoot-out

    Sommer: It's always important for me, we prepare well for the game. Of course, there could be a penalty shoot-out. But I don't spend a lot of time thinking about all the shooters before the game. It would be too much information. If there is a penalty shoot-out, I'll prepare for it with the staff.

    The question also stems from the fact that Sommer saved two of Jorginho's penalties in the World Cup qualifiers.

  • The start of the media conference is delayed

    Murat Yakin and Yann Sommer will not appear before the media as planned at 7.45 pm. The press conference will be delayed by around half an hour. The reason for this is the team's delayed departure from Stuttgart to Berlin.

  • Switzerland will face Italy on Saturday at 18.00 hrs

    The Swiss national team will play their round of 16 match against Italy on Saturday at 6.00 pm. The game will be played at the Olympiastadion in Berlin.

  • Who do you think is the favorite?

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