League frustration after European fairytale "All players unsatisfactory" - YB boss Spycher loses his good mood

Patrick Lämmle


YB boss Christoph Spycher talks to blue Sport before the game against Lausanne about the feelings of happiness after making it into the Champions League. By the break, the good mood has already evaporated despite the lead.

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  • During the week, YB sensationally qualify for the league phase of the Champions League. YB boss Christoph Spycher talks to blue Sport before the game against Lausanne about the success and is proud of the team.
  • During the break, he gives another interview, but the good mood has already evaporated due to the Bernese team's poor performance.
  • All the players on the pitch were inadequate, says Spycher, despite the lucky lead at the break. The second half will give the YB boss even more food for thought, as the game ends 1:1 and YB remain bottom of the table.

After their sensational progress into the group stage of the Champions League, YB boss Christoph Spycher talks to blue Sport on Saturday before the game against Lausanne-Sport about the emotional days following the success in Istanbul.

After the triumph against Galatasaray, there is great joy at Young Boys. "It was an extremely emotional time for all of us. We are not only proud of the qualification, but especially of the way it came about," explained Spycher, emphasizing how important this success is for the entire sporting management and the coaching team around Steve von Bergen and Patrick Rahmen. "The start was anything but easy, but they have done a great job."

This is the fourth time the Bernese have qualified for the Champions League. "Every qualification for a group stage is something special, regardless of the opponent," said Spycher, adding that the victory against the renowned Galatasaray Istanbul was a great achievement. "Across both games, we absolutely deserved to qualify."

Spycher does not want to dwell too much on the question of the financial value of this qualification and instead emphasizes the sporting significance: "Of course it's extremely valuable financially, but for us the joy is paramount. Every player dreams of playing in the Champions League and we now have this opportunity again."

"Personal satisfaction is a bad advisor"

Having recently come in for a lot of criticism due to the poor start to the season in the Super League, Spycher does not feel any satisfaction, as he makes clear when asked: "Personal satisfaction is a bad advisor. We are in a position where we have to make strategic decisions for the future of the club. You can't let yourself be guided by emotions." He emphasizes that decisions are always made for the good of the club and not for personal motives.

Looking ahead to the upcoming challenges in the Champions League, the 46-year-old says: "We're looking forward to the games, especially against opponents like Barcelona and Inter Milan. It's a great competition in which we can measure ourselves against the best." The reunion with former YB player Fabian Rieder and ex-NATO goalkeeper Yann Sommer will also be special.

Spycher is totally miffed at half-time

However, the team's focus is already back on the national championship. "We have to continue on our path with full conviction and prove that we are on the right track," says Spycher on blue Sport and takes his leave in the direction of the stands, from where he will watch the game against Lausanne-Sport.

What he then sees does not please him at all. Lausanne dominated the game and more than deserved to lead at the break. The fact that Filip Ugrinic gives Bern the lead in stoppage time, contrary to the course of the game, does not appease the YB boss.

He let off steam in the interval interview on SRF. You can only take your hat off to the performance against Galatasaray. It was a completely different story on Saturday: "Today, every player who was on the pitch was inadequate. That's not what we expect, but it's also the hardest thing to do as an athlete. You have to be mentally ready to go in a three-day rhythm, no matter what's going on and who the opponent is. Every one of our players has to improve massively."

Spycher places particular responsibility on those players who already have experience of such situations: "We expect them to lead the way here." He mentions Cheick Niasse, Filip Ugrinic, Sandro Lauper, Joël Monteiro, Cedric Itten and Ebrima Colley by name.

Later, the YB players and coach Patrick Rahmen also appear in front of the camera and look for reasons for another poor performance in the league. In the end, YB had to settle for a point and are still waiting for their first win after six games and remain bottom of the Super League.