Three aspects stand out Why Biden clearly lost the TV duel

Philipp Dahm


Joe Biden lost out in the TV duel with Donald Trump: even supporters of the President admit that the 81-year-old did not do well. Three points stood out in particular.


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  • Joe Biden has apparently lost the TV duel against Donald Trump.
  • Three aspects stand out: Firstly, Joe Biden has shown himself to be in poor mental and physical condition.
  • Secondly, Donald Trump lied through his teeth - examples included.
  • Thirdly, unlike Biden, Trump managed to get his talking points across.

CNN political expert Van Jones was once an advisor to Barack Obama - and is not exactly suspected of wanting to do Joe Biden any harm. What did he say after the TV duel? "That hurt. He didn't do well at all."

The lawyer summarizes: Biden had said good things, but had put them across rather badly. And Trump said bad things - but that was vital.

The commentators on the left-wing channel CNN are somewhat shocked by the TV duel.
The commentators on the left-wing channel CNN are somewhat shocked by the TV duel.
Screenshot: CNN

Immediately after the broadcast, the panel of commentators on the politically left-wing channel CNN agree that the TV debate was a "disaster" for Joe Biden, which is likely to upset the Democrats. Three aspects stood out in particular.

1. Joe Biden's constitution

What an energetic Joe Biden wasn't when he gave his State of the Union address in March. The Trump side even called for a drug test before the TV duel. It is now clear that this is superfluous: the 81-year-old came across as agitated, rickety and elderly.

Biden loses the thread in his statements. He says things like "We've beaten healthcare". He confuses trillions with billions and centuries with decades, even if he corrects himself afterwards. He speaks softly and sometimes mumbles. "I don't know what he's talking about," Trump tells him off at one point.

Jill Biden supports her husband as he leaves the stage after the duel.
Jill Biden supports her husband as he leaves the stage after the duel.

His opponent is completely different: Trump speaks clearly and concisely. He appears focused and confident, keeps his facial expressions to a minimum and listens when Biden speaks - very different from their last TV duel in 2020. In terms of physical and mental charisma, Trump clearly wins the duel.

2 Donald Trump's lies

When it comes to content, Biden should actually have the edge. Donald Trump lies through his teeth. He boasts that the economy under him has been "the best in the history of our country". This is false: unemployment was significantly higher under his aegis.

Donald Trump during the TV debate.
Donald Trump during the TV debate.

He praises himself for having lowered the price of insulin. In fact, the Democrats pushed this through. He touts that "all the legal experts wanted [the right to abortion] to be overturned". Yet this is an effort by the Christian right. He lies: "The USA currently has the biggest deficit ever." And claims: "Biden gets a lot of money from China."

Trump is brazen when he denies that he has called veterans "suckers" and "losers". Or when he pretends that on January 6, 2021, he offered to send 10,000 members of the National Guard to the Capitol, which Democrat Nancy Pelosi refused. She admitted this herself, he blatantly fibs.

3. talking points

Biden was not at all successful in getting his talking points across. The big trump card up his sleeve could have been the issue of abortion, but the Democrat cannot pin his opponent down on this. Instead, he tweets: "Some Democratic states allow the execution of babies after birth."

In contrast to Biden, his challenger makes it abundantly clear what his issue is. The issue he keeps coming back to - even if it is about completely different things: migration. Biden only creates jobs for immigrants. Biden has allowed 18 to 19 million migrants into the country. And many of them come straight from prison or mental institutions.

"Everything he says is a lie," Biden croaks at one point, which is true with regard to the migrant statements above. But still, Trump at least manages to get his message across to men and women. This impression also contributes to the fact that Joe Biden obviously lost out in this duel.

The conclusion remains: it will not be an easy election for Americans in November.