Road accidents Two seriously injured in accidents in the canton of Fribourg


21.9.2024 - 10:56

A scooter rider was seriously injured in an accident in Chandon FR.
A scooter rider was seriously injured in an accident in Chandon FR.

There were two serious accidents involving two-wheeled vehicles in the canton of Fribourg on Friday. A scooter rider was seriously injured in Chandon and shortly afterwards a cyclist in Vaulruz.

At 17.55 in Chandon, there was a head-on collision between a 16-year-old scooter rider and a 50-year-old car driver, as reported by the Fribourg cantonal police on Saturday. The young scooter rider was seriously injured and taken to hospital by Rega. The driver of the car was uninjured. The road was closed to traffic for almost three hours.

A few minutes later, at around 6.25 p.m., the police were informed that another traffic accident had occurred at the junction of the A12 highway entrance in Vaulruz. This time, a 51-year-old cyclist and a 29-year-old motorist were involved. The cyclist was also seriously injured and was taken to hospital by Rega. The car driver was also uninjured.

The police have launched investigations in both cases to determine the exact circumstances of the accidents, it was reported.