Even rules for shoes 9 things you must not do at home after 10 pm

Vanessa Büchel


Vacuuming should be done during the day or on Saturdays. Neighbors might find the housework disturbing.
Vacuuming should be done during the day or on Saturdays. Neighbors might find the housework disturbing.

After 10 p.m. is the time of night in Switzerland. It is not uncommon for neighbors to be disturbed if vacuuming is still going on. It's better not to carry out these activities late at night.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Rest periods apply in Switzerland: As a rule, night-time rest is from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. or 7 a.m., while Sundays and public holidays are quiet all day.
  • Housework such as vacuuming, lawn mowing and other noisy activities should be avoided during quiet hours.
  • Disturbing noise, such as loud music, manual work or arguments, can lead to conflicts between neighbors.

Be honest: you've probably been a little louder than usual, vacuumed the floor in the evening or left the washing machine running at night. That's why it's important to be tolerant when your neighbor goes over the top. This is the only way to make living together in rented apartments work.

However, if the noise becomes a permanent condition, at some point it is almost impossible to turn a blind eye. After all, a good night's sleep is sacred. People need it to recover both physically and mentally from the stresses of everyday life.

To keep the peace, there are regulations and laws in Switzerland that clarify what is allowed when and how to behave at night. For example, the Swiss Code of Obligations states: "The tenant of immovable property must show consideration for the occupants and neighbors." However, there is no more precise definition of what constitutes reckless behavior.

The Civil Code also states that all harmful and unjustified impacts are prohibited. This includes noise as well as unpleasant odors, sound or vibrations. Here too, however, there is no detailed description of how harmful noise is defined.

If your neighbors are straining your nerves too much, it is worth seeking a conversation as a first step. It is better to approach this in a civilized and objective manner. It's not advisable to ring a bell in the middle of the night in your nightdress with your finger raised. And if no agreement can be reached, third parties or a professional arbitration service can help.

In Switzerland, the time of night-time rest and quiet hours is determined at cantonal level. In Zurich, for example, the exact details can be found in the police regulations.

The following applies in most places in Switzerland:

  • Night-time rest: from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. (during summer time, night-time rest begins at 11 p.m. before weekends and public rest days)
  • Quiet hours: from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on weekdays
  • Sundays and public holidays: closed all day

In many places, this means that the noise stops at 10 pm. Only room volume is permitted. What exactly is considered disturbing noise also varies depending on the individual. The key here is to rely on common sense and behave tactfully around tenants.

To avoid annoyance, it is best to avoid the following activities:

Loud manual activities

It's better not to put off hammering nails into the wall or assembling new Ikea furniture until night time. If the manual activities are not noisy, you can of course do them at any time, but if they involve loud noises, it is better to postpone them until daytime.

Mowing the lawn

While many household appliances have become quieter thanks to new technology, the same cannot be said of lawn mowers. There are devices that make less noise. However, as the work is carried out outside and it is generally a noisy activity, it is better to keep your hands off it in the evening, at night or on Sundays and public holidays.

Noisy housework

It's not easy for working people in particular to keep the household in good shape while working. Tired of the stress of everyday life, people prefer to put off the tedious housework until the weekend. But then it's a day of rest. Nevertheless, for the sake of your neighbors, you should avoid noisy cleaning activities such as vacuuming. If you want to clean the floor late at night or on a Sunday, you can also do this with a broom if the floor conditions allow.

Dishwashers, washing machines and tumble dryers are not quiet machines either. Depending on the location and type of appliance, you should also consider when you switch them on.

Walking with high heels

Clack, clack, clack - shoes with heels make a lot of noise on floors without carpets. If you want to wear shoes in your own four walls, you should therefore opt for quiet models and only put on loud footwear at quiet times just before leaving the apartment.

Take a bath

Taking a shower or flushing the toilet? Neither is a problem. If this were prohibited, it would be a severe infringement of tenants' personal rights. With these two activities, the noise is only of short duration, but it is different with a bath. A longer period of time is required to let the water run in and out of the bath, which is not quite as quiet.

Practicing on musical instruments

Drums, trumpet, piano - no matter what instrument you play, if it's not an electric version connected to headphones, you'll make a lot of noise when practising. While some people might be happy about a little concert in the evening, others are annoyed by it.


The people next door really don't want to hear loud shouting and heated conversations. So if there are things to discuss, this should not be done in the apartment during the night. But of course, arguments can't always be planned, so if they can't be avoided, they should be done in a civilized manner and at a considerate volume.

Only one person should shout during the night - and that's babies. Young children are allowed to make themselves heard at the top of their voices, but this must be tolerated by the neighbors.

Slamming doors

During arguments, it can also happen that doors are slammed shut out of anger. But maybe it's just your way of closing them. Remember that it is better to close doors silently or simply quietly late at night.

Loud music and long parties

Parties are a frequent point of contention between neighbors. Not everyone in the building is happy when the loudspeakers are blaring, loud music is blasting through the building and the babble of voices refuses to subside. If you're planning a party in your home, it's best to warn your neighbors in advance - or invite them straight away. If it doesn't happen all the time and doesn't get completely out of hand, they may be lenient and show understanding.

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