Israel Search for a political solution to the Lebanon conflict


29.6.2024 - 05:09

ARCHIVE - A view of the fire caused by rocket and drone attacks from Lebanon on Israel. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa
ARCHIVE - A view of the fire caused by rocket and drone attacks from Lebanon on Israel. Photo: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

While the USA is exploring ways to avoid war in the conflict between Israel and the pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, the mutual shelling of the opponents continues for the time being. The Israeli air force attacked Hezbollah positions in the south of Lebanon in response to renewed attacks on areas in northern Israel, as the Israeli army announced late on Friday evening. It is feared that a possible war could escalate into a regional conflict, which would also involve the USA and Iran. Iran's UN representative in New York warned on Platform X on Saturday morning that should Israel launch a full-scale military aggression against Lebanon, "it will lead to a devastating war".

29.6.2024 - 05:09

Israel's Defense Minister: We are not looking for war

According to Defense Minister Joav Galant, Israel does not want war, but believes its army is prepared for it. "We are working on a political solution. That is always the better option," said Galant on Friday during a visit to troops near Israel's border with Lebanon, as reported by Israeli media. "We are not looking for war, but we are prepared for one." If Hezbollah chooses war, "we know what we are doing", he added. "If they choose peace, we will respond accordingly." The Shiite militia in Lebanon has repeatedly stated that Israel must first completely end the war in the Gaza Strip against the Islamist organization Hamas, which is allied with Hezbollah, before it stops firing on Israel. Hezbollah and Hamas are allies of Iran.

All options, "including the full participation of all (anti-Israeli) resistance fronts, are on the table", according to the warning issued by Iran's UN representative against war. The first results of the presidential election in the country are expected on Saturday. The election of a successor to President Ebrahim Raisi, who was recently killed in a helicopter crash, comes amid a severe economic crisis, tensions with the West, frustration with state power and government, and the conflict in Lebanon between arch-enemy Israel and pro-Iranian Hezbollah.

Report: USA examines options for political solution

While the USA sees a ceasefire in the Gaza war as an important step towards resolving the crisis in Lebanon, officials have begun to examine alternatives to de-escalation, the "Washington Post" reported on Friday (local time). Behind closed doors, Israel has been urged not to be the party that escalates the conflict in Lebanon. Drafts of an agreement call on Hezbollah, among other things, to withdraw heavy weapons from the border with Israel in return for funds for reconstruction in Lebanon, according to Lebanese and European officials. The Hezbollah militia had continued to negotiate with Washington via Lebanese mediators despite the ongoing fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Qatar, which together with the US and Egypt is acting as a mediator between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza war, has also been asked by the United States to help resolve the conflict in Lebanon, the US newspaper quoted a person familiar with the efforts as saying. Since the beginning of the Gaza war almost nine months ago, there have been daily exchanges of fire between Israel's army and Hezbollah in the border area between Israel and Lebanon. On Friday, the militia fired 25 shells and three drones at Israel, according to the Israeli military. No people were injured. Israel's army said it had fired on several Hezbollah launch positions.

Several countries, including Germany, once again called on their citizens to leave Lebanon. According to its own statements, the USA is not currently preparing to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon, but has deployed an additional US warship, the "USS Wasp", to the region this week. Ships of this kind are not used exclusively for military-assisted departures, however, Pentagon deputy spokeswoman Sabrina Singh emphasized on Friday. "They are in the region to ensure stability and deter aggression." When asked whether the relocation of the ship had anything to do with preparing for a possible evacuation of American compatriots, as previously reported by US broadcaster NBC, Singh answered "no".

Pentagon: Gaza pier to be towed to Israel again

Meanwhile, the temporary pier built by the US military on the coast of the embattled Gaza Strip has been dismantled again due to rough seas. The facility will be towed to Ashdod on the Israeli coast, Singh announced. She did not specify when the pier could be put back into operation - this would depend on the circumstances. "We will continue to keep an eye on the environmental and weather factors," said the spokeswoman and announced that she would provide further information on the progress.

The pier had previously been temporarily moved to Ashdod due to rough seas in order to prevent structural damage. Due to high waves and stormy seas, the temporary structure had already been damaged shortly after its commissioning in May. The Israeli city of Ashdod is a good 30 kilometers from Gaza. There had also been repeated problems with the distribution of aid supplies. According to Singh, there are still undistributed aid supplies in the pier area on Gaza beach. Although there is still room, the area is "almost full". Talks are being held with the World Food Program (WFP) to coordinate further action, the deputy Pentagon spokeswoman said. The WFP had recently halted distribution due to a massive Israeli military operation near the pier, during which several hostages were also freed.