Municipal elections GR Recount confirms FDP man as the new mayor of Chur


1.7.2024 - 14:29

Hans Martin Meuli from the Free Democratic Party won the office of mayor of Chur by just 16 votes.
Hans Martin Meuli from the Free Democratic Party won the office of mayor of Chur by just 16 votes.

The presidency of Chur definitely remains in the hands of the FDP. A recount of the extremely close election result on Monday confirmed that Hans Martin Meuli from the Free Democrats is the new mayor of the cantonal capital of Graubünden.

Meuli had surprisingly won the second round of voting on Sunday. However, just 18 votes separated him from the previous SP city councillor Patrik Degiacomi (SP). As the difference was less than 0.3 percent of the valid ballot papers, a recount had to be carried out ex officio.

The recount confirmed the result to within two votes. Hans Martin Meuli was therefore elected head of the Chur municipal government with 4326 votes and a lead of 16 votes.

The long-standing member of the city parliament had only been elected to the three-member city council on June 9. Now he has also made the leap to the presidency. He succeeds Urs Marti, who is also from the liberal party and is stepping down due to term limits.

The close result of the presidential election will not affect the climate in the city council, both candidates had already stated on Sunday when asked by the Keystone-SDA news agency. Meuli was certain that both would "handle this professionally". Degiacomi had spoken of a fair election campaign.