"I will beat Donald Trump" Joe Biden sticks to his candidacy for re-election


5.7.2024 - 22:10

Joe Biden is fighting back.
Joe Biden is fighting back.
Archivbild: Jacquelyn Martin/AP

After the TV debacle against his Republican challenger Donald Trump, Joe Biden insists on staying in the presidential race. "Let me say this as clearly as I can: I'm staying in the race. I will beat Donald Trump," said the 81-year-old US president at a campaign appearance in Madison, Wisconsin.


No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Despite the TV debacle against Trump, Biden says he wants to stay in the presidential race.
  • "When you're down, you get back up," said the Democrat at a campaign appearance in Madison, Wisconsin, in front of cheering supporters.
  • Whether he can withstand the growing pressure remains to be seen.

The Democrat is currently fighting on all fronts to save his presidential candidacy. The pressure on him has grown significantly in recent days - both some party members and major donors have turned against him. It remains to be seen whether Biden can withstand this pressure in the long term.

Biden appears self-confident

"When you're down, you get up," said the Democrat in front of cheering supporters. Referring to his opponent Trump, Biden said: "I can't wait, folks, let's focus on what's really important, which is taking on the biggest liar and the biggest threat." A week ago, Biden made a disastrous appearance in the evening television duel with his Republican challenger Donald Trump, misspoke several times and lost the plot. After the performance, a debate erupted in the USA about whether Biden is really the right Democratic candidate for the presidential election in November.

However, the oldest president in US history insists that he is fit enough for another term in office and is unperturbed. However, he has never before expressed himself as clearly and confidently as he did during his appearance in Wisconsin.

All eyes on Biden

The 81-year-old is under intense scrutiny - every appearance is closely followed. Biden often struggles during appearances where he cannot read from a teleprompter. He regularly gets his words wrong and mixes up names and places. This is probably one of the reasons why the Democrat rarely gives TV interviews.

Apparently the pressure was so great that Biden wants to answer questions from TV journalist George Stephanopoulos in Wisconsin today. The entire interview is to be broadcast at prime time (2.00 a.m. on Saturday night). The appearance is seen as an important test.

Biden has actually secured the presidential candidacy for his party - he is to be officially chosen at the Democratic Party convention in Chicago in August. In the primaries, the US President secured the necessary delegate votes for this.