Trump before the election What happens after the assassination attempt at the Republican Party conference


15.7.2024 - 10:07

No change of plans after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump: the Republican is to officially become his party's presidential candidate this week. But how does the whole thing actually work?


The circumstances surrounding Donald Trump's big nomination could not be more dramatic. At the nomination convention in Milwaukee, the Republicans want to officially choose their leading man as their presidential candidate for the election in November.

But an assassination attempt on Trump shocks the country shortly before the kick-off - less than 48 hours before the convention begins: a man fires several shots at a campaign event in the state of Pennsylvania. Trump is injured in the ear. A family man, who was a spectator at the event, dies. Two participants survive seriously injured.

Trump, who survives the attack slightly injured, now presents himself more than ever as the strong man who cannot be stopped even by a gun attack. And his supporters are united more than ever by the feeling: now more than ever.

Despite the assassination attempt, there are to be no changes to the security plans for the Republican party convention starting on Monday. The "Washington Post" reports. "There are no changes to our current security plans for this event," said Audrey Gibson-Cicchino, the coordinator of the Secret Service on Sunday.

What is a nominating convention anyway?

After the internal party primaries in each state, both the Democrats and Republicans must officially certify their overall results at the national level. This takes place at the respective nomination conventions. The Democrats will meet in Chicago, Illinois, in mid-August. This time, the Republican nominating convention will take place from July 15 to 18 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Why Wisconsin?

It is no coincidence that the Republicans have chosen Wisconsin. It is a "swing state" that can be categorized as neither Republican nor Democratic. In the 2020 presidential election, Democrat Joe Biden won there by a hair's breadth against Trump. This time too, the race is shaping up to be extremely close.

Many local politicians welcome nominating conventions, regardless of their own party affiliation, as they bring economic benefits. The mayor of Milwaukee is a Democrat and has actively sought the hosting role. The Democratic nominating convention was due to be held there in 2020 - but the coronavirus pandemic scuppered all plans.

As of today, more than 50,000 visitors are expected in Milwaukee, spending money on hotels, restaurants, transportation and entertainment. It's a huge spectacle: the city of around half a million inhabitants is in a state of emergency. The tight security concept was drawn up long before the Trump assassination. The main venues can only be reached with a permit issued in advance by the Secret Service. Metal detectors and sniffer dogs are used.

In addition to politicians, party members and representatives of the press, hawkers, onlookers and demonstrators also travel to the event. However, the most important guests at every nomination convention are probably the delegates.

What are delegates?

Delegates are party members who are sent to the nominating convention from all 50 states and six territories. Based on the primary election results, they choose their party's presidential candidate. The system is inconsistent and extremely complex. The Republicans have around 2,400 delegates. To win the candidacy, a candidate must have secured at least 1,215 delegate votes. Trump already cleared this hurdle in March. After the conclusion of the Republican primaries, he is entitled to a total of at least 2,265 delegate votes.

Do the delegates have to vote for Trump?

Theoretically, not all delegates have to abide by the primary election results. However, as Trump has clearly won against his competitors in almost every state and also enjoys strong loyalty, an internal party revolt is not expected. The formal nomination is scheduled for Monday. The newly nominated candidate will then traditionally make a ceremonial appearance in Germany on Friday night. The grand finale will be Trump's acceptance speech.

When will it be announced who will be runner-up?

It is the question of all questions: who will be Trump's "running mate"? The Republican has been flirting with the idea of a running mate for months, but has recently deliberately avoided making too much noise to distract from the internal chaos in the Democratic Party over Biden's age. The tension now established is likely to be to Trump's liking - after all, it was a reality show that once helped the businessman to national fame. Entertainment is part of his understanding of politics. The media report that his son Don Jr. is not due to introduce the runner-up(s) until Wednesday. In recent US history, the name was usually announced shortly before the nomination convention.

The Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee is the venue for the Republican Party convention.
The Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee is the venue for the Republican Party convention.

What else is on the agenda?

At the convention, the Republicans want to adopt their party platform on topics such as abortion, gun rights and religion. The surrounding events will also be interesting: there will be discussion panels, church services and other events to mobilize the party base. Trump's allies will give speeches. For lobbyists, the large political contingent offers a welcome opportunity to exert influence. Celebrities who move in right-wing conservative circles are intended to increase the celebrity factor. It is currently unclear to what extent Trump's wife Melania, who has been rather absent of late, will play an active role.

What is different this time?

For the first time, Trump can present himself as the clear leader of the Republicans at a nomination convention. In 2016, he still ran as an outsider; in 2020, the pandemic also prevented the Republicans from holding a large, pompous event. In view of his defeat against Biden in the 2020 election, the subsequent Capitol storm and the criminal proceedings initiated against him, Trump was threatened with losing power within the party for a time.

However, he managed to unite the Republicans behind him. Trump has installed close family members and loyal supporters in key positions within the party. His daughter-in-law Lara Trump, for example, is jointly responsible for financing and coordinating the meeting in Milwaukee. This gives him control over the nominating convention - and the vision for America's political future propagated there.
