Late Night USA Trump talks his head off in front of Latinos

Philipp Dahm


Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel has taken a closer look at Donald Trump's media appearances.
Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel has taken a closer look at Donald Trump's media appearances.
Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

According to Jimmy Kimmel, when Donald Trump appears on media outlets devoted to him, he talks unchallenged. But if the audience of a TV talk show is not hand-picked, the Republican looks pretty old when criticized.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • "Jimmy Kimmel Live" pits two of Donald Trump's media appearances against each other.
  • First, Trump visits conservative podcasters, where he spouts unchallenged predatory slogans.
  • Then Trump is a guest on the Hispanic channel Univision, where the audience is not hand-picked.
  • During the critical questions on the topics of immigrants, the environment, weapons and the storming of the Capitol, Trump starts to sweat.
  • The audience's reaction speaks volumes.

Editor's note: Donald Trump's quotes are reproduced verbatim.

Both candidates are tied in the polls - all the more reason for Donald Trump and Kamala Harris to face up to the public in order to maintain their chances of winning the White House.

While the Democrat Harris has just appeared on the conservative Fox News channel for a debate rather than an interview, Trump can only be seen on shows where he has nothing to fear. At least that's what Jimmy Kimmel thinks.

"Thanks to Donald Trump, I'm getting to know all these weird right-wing swamp creatures," says the head of "Jimmy Kimmel Live" about those podcasters who would never disagree. "He says whatever he wants," the 56-year-old continues, referring to an appearance on the PBD podcast.

"I have a very fertile mind"

"Black men like me," Trump says in the clip starting at minute 5:04, "and I think black women do, too. But they have a wife who is black. They would say she's Indian, but she's black. A lot of people didn't know, which is true."

Patrick Bet-David of the PBD Podcast (left) listens intently to Donald Trump's remarks.
Patrick Bet-David of the PBD Podcast (left) listens intently to Donald Trump's remarks.
Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

"And by 'true' you mean 'not true'?" says Kimmel with a laugh. "Nobody didn't know that. Trump loves to pretend to be the keeper of information that he thinks nobody else has." Kimmel imitates Trump: "Chocolate is very bad for dogs, a lot of people don't know that. Nobody knows how short February is: February is very short."

Late Night USA - Understanding America
blue News

50 states, 330 million people and even more opinions: How are you supposed to "understand America"? If you want to keep an overview without running aground, you need a beacon. The late-night stars offer one of the best navigational aids: They are the perfect pilots, relentlessly naming the shoals of the country and its people, and serve our author Philipp Dahm as a comic compass for the state of the American soul.

In the clip from minute 5:45, the podcast host asks Trump whether he is acting consciously or spontaneously when he coins expressions such as fake news. "I'm credited with being the originator of that expression," replies the 78-year-old. "You know, I often think ... I have a very fertile mind. I can think of very good names for people. Pocahontas ... A lot of good names."

Town Hall Gone Bad

From 2016, Trump used "Pocahontas" to insult Democrat Elizabeth Warren because she had made it public that one of her ancestors had been a Native American. Even after a DNA test, the New Yorker continued to doubt this. Trump's mind is not so fertile, but full of fertilizer, Jimmy Kimmel also thinks.

But Trump's best performance was yet to come: the frontrunner took part in a town hall, i.e. a town hall on the Univision channel, which also addresses the Hispanic community in the USA in Spanish. And this audience was not hand-picked - as was the case with the last Trump town halls on Fox News.

Trump on Univision: the appearance embarrasses the 78-year-old.
Trump on Univision: the appearance embarrasses the 78-year-old.
Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

You can see it in the clip from minute 6:27: A man asks Trump how he would explain his gun policy to the parents of victims of school shootings. "We have the Second Amendment and basically the right to bear arms, and I'm very much a proponent of that. If you ever tried to get rid of them, you wouldn't be able to do it."

Haitians "also eat other thing they shouldn't"

And further, Trump would tell parents, "You wouldn't be able to take the guns away because people need them for security. They need them for entertainment. And for sports and other things, but in many cases they also need them for protection."

Kimmel is upset that, compared to Joe Biden, Donald Trump's mental fitness is hardly up for debate. This also becomes clear in the next question, in which an elderly gentleman confronts Trump with his statements about Haitians who, according to him, allegedly eat cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. Does he really believe that?

The elderly gentleman asks about immigrants who eat pets. Trump goes one better.
The elderly gentleman asks about immigrants who eat pets. Trump goes one better.
Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

"That was just reported," Trump replies. "I just said what was reported. And that they eat other things that they shouldn't. But that's ... All I'm doing is reporting. I didn't ... I was there, I'll be there, and we'll look into it, and I'll report extensively when I do."

"I was an environmentalist"

So Trump will take a close look at the "mystery of the eaten pets" himself, Kimmel says with a laugh. "And what's this about 'eating other things too' now? The puppies and kittens weren't enough? What else can they eat? They eat shoes and feet. It's terrible!"

Trump did not answer any of the tough questions. Does he really believe that climate change is a lie? "I've always felt that way about climate, and I was a big ... I was an environmentalist. I've built a lot of things. I own the [golf hotel] Doral just around the corner [in Miami], and we built that in a very environmentally ... I get awards, environmental awards for the way I built it. For the water, the way I used the water. The sand, the mixture of the sand."

The audience seems unconvinced:

No words.
No words.
Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Kimmel would like to see these awards, says the late-night host.

A picture is worth a thousand words

And then there's the man who criticizes Trump's heavy-handed response to the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2012, which is also the reason Trump's former vice Mike Pence won't vote for him. "The vice president and I don't agree on what he did. I don't agree at all with what he's done." The point is that Pence formally rubber-stamped Joe Biden's choice, as required by his office.

Storming the Capitol: not only the questioner seems unconvinced by Trump's remarks ....
Storming the Capitol: not only the questioner seems unconvinced by Trump's remarks ....
Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Trump continues. "Very important: Hundreds of thousands came to Washington. They didn't come because of me, they came because of the election. They thought the election was a postponed election. And that's why they came. Some of those people went to the Capitol. I said, 'peaceful and patriotic. Nothing wrong at all. And measures were taken. Strong measures."

The camera pans to the audience. A picture is worth a thousand words:

... These ladies are also moderately enthusiastic and at times ...
... These ladies are also moderately enthusiastic and at times ...
Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Trump continues: "Ashli Babbitt was killed [in the maga mob during the storm]." And immediately after, "Nobody was killed."

The audience:

... perplexed.
... perplexed.
Youtube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Trump talks his head off: "There were no guns. We had no weapons. The others had guns, but we didn't have guns." "My God," Kimmel says, looking at the skeptical female viewers, "it looks like there's a whole bunch of Melanias sitting there looking at him."

The father of four also doesn't miss the fact that Trump speaks of the Capitol mob in the "we" form. "The others had guns: You mean the police? Yeah, the police that attacked your animals had guns, and four people died that day, and you wanted to hang Mike Pence."