Late Night USA "I'm the greatest of all time, maybe even greater than Elvis"

Philipp Dahm


"Taller than Elvis": Donald Trump once again shows himself to be a friend of the superlative in Uniondale, New York.
"Taller than Elvis": Donald Trump once again shows himself to be a friend of the superlative in Uniondale, New York.
YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Nothing new in the West: Donald Trump once again relies on the super-super-superlative. He also continues to complain about the TV duel - and gets himself into hot water with Melania. It's business as usual, says Jimmy Kimmel.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • "Jimmy Kimmel Live" takes apart the polls ahead of the presidential election, some of which grossly contradict each other.
  • Donald Trump claims he won the TV duel against Kamala Harris, but still complains of unfair treatment.
  • In Uniondale, New York, Trump calls himself the "greatest of all time", trumping even Elvis Presley.
  • Trump continues to talk about his wife Melania's book, which he obviously hasn't read.
  • Melania Trump clarifies the never-asked question of why she "proudly stands behind [her] work as a nude model".

It's only 46 days until Donald Trump claims he won the election, begins "Jimmy Kimmel Live" - whether that's true or not.

Kamala Harris seems to have "the momentum", but even that is not certain given the different poll results: "'The Morning Consult' says Harris has gotten a big boost to a six-point lead from the TV duel, while the 'New York Times Sienna College' poll shows she hasn't gotten a boost, and the race is close."

The race is tight statewide, however, he said: The same poll shows Harris leading by four points in the "key swing state" of Pennsylvania, Kimmel explains.

"But there's also bad news because the Washington Post says she and Trump are tied in Pennsylvania, although another poll from Franklin and Marshall College has Kamala ahead by three points [there], while Emerson College has her behind by one point in Pennsylvania."

"None of these polls have any meaning"

"In other words," the host summarizes, "none of these polls have any meaning. They're meaningless, and yet we continue to look at them. They're like the Kardashians in a lot of ways."

The host of "Jimmy Kimmel Live" is this man named Jimmy Kimmel.
The host of "Jimmy Kimmel Live" is this man named Jimmy Kimmel.
YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
Late Night USA - Understanding America
blue News

50 states, 330 million people and even more opinions: How are you supposed to "understand America"? If you want to keep an overview without running aground, you need a beacon. The late-night stars offer one of the best navigational aids: They are the perfect pilots, relentlessly naming the shoals of the country and its people, and serve our author Philipp Dahm as a comic compass for the state of the American soul.

The 78-year-old himself obviously also thinks that the TV duel went badly for Donald Trump. "Because he can't stop whining that a) he won and b) he was cheated," says Kimmel - and shows a clip of an interview from minute 1:35 onwards.

"[The moderators] didn't even correct [Harris]," Trump complains on "Fox News", "and practically everything I said, they corrected, I think nine or eleven times. And the audience totally lost it."

Correction to whom correction is due

The problem is that there was no live audience for the TV duel, Kimmel notes with relish. "Is he losing his mind or is he lying so much that he doesn't even know anymore? When he used to exaggerate the size of the crowd [his audience], at least there was a crowd."

"The audience went totally nuts": Trump imagines live audience for the last TV duel.
"The audience went totally nuts": Trump imagines live audience for the last TV duel.
YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

"ABC News" also corrected Trump not nine or eleven times, but four times in 90 minutes. "Once when he said the crime rate is through the roof - it's not, once when he said there's tons of evidence that his election victory was stolen - there's not."

The third correction, he said, concerned the statement that Democratic governors wanted to allow the execution of babies after birth. "And the fourth fact check was when he claimed that Haitians in Ohio were sneaking into their neighbors' yards to eat their cats and dogs."

Donald Trump has not read Melania's book

That Donald Trump makes up his own truths is shown by his recent campaign appearance in Uniondale, New York - seen from minute 3:17. "So I called my wife: 'Who draws crowds? Nobody draws crowds like me. I'm the biggest of all time, maybe even bigger than Elvis. Because Elvis had a guitar. I don't have a guitar. Elvis had a guitar. I don't have the privilege of a guitar."

The whole thing didn't seem to impress the crowd: Some audience members left the gig early, Kimmel reports. "Elvis didn't leave the building, but half the audience did." They missed the New Yorker talking about his wife Melania's new book - you can see it in the video from minute 4:14.

Empty seats at. Trump's appearance in Uniondale, New York, on September 19.
Empty seats at. Trump's appearance in Uniondale, New York, on September 19.
YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Trump: "Go out and get her book! She just wrote a book. I hope she says good things about ... I don't know, I haven't ... She just wrote a book called 'Melania. Go out and buy it, it's great. And if she says bad things about me, I'll call every one of you and say, 'Don't buy it, get rid of it!"

Melania stands "proudly behind [her] work as a nude model"

"Sounds like everything's fine at home," Kimmel feasts, "He hasn't read his wife's book. He's too busy. Not too busy to play golf on Sundays, but [otherwise] pretty, pretty busy." To promote the book, Melania has published little videos with riddles.

One is entitled: "Why do I proudly stand behind my work as a nude model?" "Who asks questions like that?" wonders Kimmel. "You're answering a question that nobody asked." The late-night show cheats pictures of her husband into Melania's video - starting at minute 5:33.

And while his wife stays away from Trump's appearance in New York, Rudy Giuliani jumps into the breach. He makes a tough announcement, as you can see in the post above.