This is why Trump is back so strongly"The last four years were obviously unsatisfactory for many"
Philipp Dahm
Helene Laube reports for blue News from the USA: The correspondent describes how surprising election night is and tries to explain how it could have come to this.
06.11.2024, 09:46
06.11.2024, 10:56
Philipp Dahm
No time? blue News summarizes for you
Helene Laube is the US correspondent for blue News and describes how surprising election night was.
She explains Donald Trump's strong performance with the importance of the economy, inflation and migration.
On the other hand, the Democrats failed when it came to communication, says Laube.
How did you experience election night in California?
Working. But we also have a few friends visiting here: at the beginning, people were pretty confident, but with every announcement from CNN, the mood has become gloomier. Everyone knows that it's still very early - in Nevada, for example, only two percent of the votes have been counted - and that a lot can still change. The mood is depressed because no one expected Donald Trump to win the contested state of North Carolina and take the first big step towards returning to the White House.
US correspondent Helene Laube on Haight Street in San Francisco, California.
So the surprise is big.
In any case. For all Democrats, the election results are pretty incredible and extremely disheartening.
Do you have an explanation for Trump's strong performance?
I think it's a mix that's responsible. Frustration, misinformation, the economy and the fact that many people feel they are being overrun by migrants. The last four years have obviously been unsatisfactory for many people. I think they want to get back at the Democrats and believe that things will be different or better with Trump.
The electorate obviously has fond memories of Donald Trump's first term in office.
Were they better off with Trump?
That certainly applies to many wealthy people, but I think ordinary people simply don't remember what actually happened. They've been hearing about inflation for months and years. The good news that the American economy in particular is doing better and inflation is lower than in other countries, including Europe, is something that people here hardly notice. The perceived economy is perceived differently than it actually is.
Please explain that.
All these programs that Biden and his Democratic cabinet have launched, which have supported and renewed entire industries, have somehow not been received by the people. This also has to do with the fact that Biden communicates poorly. You have to spend a long time explaining that.
Anyone in America who tells you Trump will be better for our economy needs this retweeted for them immediately.
I don't think so. Simply because you get the impression that people tend to decide on the basis of programs or positions. They think that Trump is better for the economy, that he is the stronger one who will protect the border - that's what it's all about. I don't think the fact that the Democrats are calling him a fascist has made anyone change their mind. His base is voting for him anyway. Whenever I hear undecided voters who end up voting for Trump, they say it has to do with border security or the economy.