Federal vote November vote reveals gender divide


10.1.2025 - 10:00

The picture shows a person holding a voting envelope. Men and women voted differently in the referendum on November 24, 2024, according to a Vox analysis. (archive image)
The picture shows a person holding a voting envelope. Men and women voted differently in the referendum on November 24, 2024, according to a Vox analysis. (archive image)

A majority of women rejected all four voting proposals on November 24 - in contrast to men. This is the conclusion of a Vox analysis.


The difference in voting behavior between the sexes was particularly clear among people aged 30 and under, according to a press release on Friday on the Vox analysis of the post-election survey.

For example, 57 percent of men were in favor of the proposal to expand the freeway. In contrast, only 38 percent of women were in favor. Two thirds of men voted in favor of the health bill, compared to only 46 percent of women.

The analysis also showed that people in the political center were significantly less mobilized than other voters. The Greens were the most mobilized with 71%. They were followed by GLP supporters (56%). SP sympathizers also went to the polls at an above-average rate of 52%, the report continued.

For the other parties, the proportion was below 50 percent. The lowest turnout of 44% was among SVP supporters.

A third forgot to vote

The reasons for the rejection of three of the four government proposals were complex. Overall, the voters had made their decisions based on content. The turnout was 45 percent, which is average in a long-term comparison. Around a third of those surveyed stated that they had forgotten about the vote.

On November 24, 2024, the electorate voted on the freeway expansion, the Efas healthcare bill (uniform funding for outpatient and inpatient care) and two tenancy law bills on subletting and owner-occupation. They were put to the people following a successful referendum.

For the Vox analysis, 3113 voters were surveyed in November 2024. The study was conducted by the JRC Bern research institute and financed by the Federal Chancellery.