A household appliance that is rarely cleaned How to get your dishwasher sparkling clean again

Jenny Keller


Often neglected: cleaning and caring for the dishwasher.
Often neglected: cleaning and caring for the dishwasher.
Picture: Imago

The dishwasher ensures sparkling dishes every day, but it also needs cleaning from time to time. Why this is important and how to clean it quickly and effectively.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • According to experts, the dishwasher should be cleaned every two to three months at the latest.
  • This includes removing limescale deposits with the help of vinegar or baking soda.
  • Remove food residue from the filter to prevent unpleasant odors.
  • Remove dirt and mold from the rubber seals.

Many people forget that the dishwasher also needs regular maintenance, just like the washing machine. When the dishes no longer get really clean, or at least every two to three months, experts recommend cleaning the machine.

We'll show you the best tips for getting your dishwasher back in shape.

Effectively remove limescale

The spray arms of the dishwasher can be easily descaled with water and vinegar.
The spray arms of the dishwasher can be easily descaled with water and vinegar.
Picture: IMAGO/Lobeca

Limescale deposits can not only affect the appearance of your dishwasher, but also reduce its performance. Manufacturers recommend descaling the machine regularly. This can also be done without special products.

Start by removing deposits on the door and in the corners with a cloth and some detergent. The spray arms can usually be easily removed and descaled in a mixture of water and vinegar.

To clean the entire machine with vinegar, start a program at a minimum of 60 degrees. As soon as the machine is hot, pour in a cup of vinegar, switch the machine off and leave the vinegar to work for an hour. Then start the 60-degree program again and let it run through completely.

Alternatively, you can sprinkle four tablespoons of baking powder or baking soda into the machine tub and start a wash cycle.

Remove food residues

The dishwasher filter should be cleaned regularly to remove food residues and dirt.
The dishwasher filter should be cleaned regularly to remove food residues and dirt.
Picture: IMAGO/Zoonar

The filter of your dishwasher catches larger food residues. If the machine smells unpleasant, a dirty filter is often the cause. Remove the filter and rinse it thoroughly under running water - this will quickly remove any odors.

Cleanliness in the corners

Food residue can accumulate in the rubber seals of the dishwasher and mold can form.
Food residue can accumulate in the rubber seals of the dishwasher and mold can form.
Picture: imago stock&people

Not only food residue, but also mold and other deposits collect in the rubber seals of the dishwasher. To prevent this, you should regularly wipe the seals with a cloth.

Keep things fresh with vinegar

A bowl of vinegar ensures freshness and cleanliness in the dishwasher.
A bowl of vinegar ensures freshness and cleanliness in the dishwasher.

The descaling wash cycle under point 1 should have already ensured that your drawers and cutlery baskets are clean. If there are still greasy residues or unpleasant odors, you can also place a bowl of white vinegar in the top drawer and run an intensive program without any other dishes. This will ensure fresh drawers and perfect cleanliness in your dishwasher.


Regular cleaning not only keeps your dishwasher running efficiently, but also ensures that your dishes always come out of the program sparkling clean. Because only a clean machine can wash dishes really clean.