Various initiatives How SBB wants to promote "more people thanks to AI"

Martin Abgottspon


SBB has been relying on AI for some time now.
SBB has been relying on AI for some time now.

With a new brand entry, SBB is making it clear that it is relying on artificial intelligence. The focus should always be on people, regardless of whether there are opportunities or risks involved.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • SBB has registered the brand "SBB - more people thanks to AI" to reflect its extensive use of artificial intelligence and to keep future options open.
  • AI increases efficiency in rail transport, but also carries the risk of job losses. For SBB, 700 jobs could theoretically be affected.
  • Surprisingly, the brand also includes toys, sporting goods, Christmas tree decorations and advertising, hinting at possible future advertising strategies for SBB.

The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) registered a new brand in June: "SBB - more people thanks to AI". This move is in line with the comprehensive introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) by Group CEO Vincent Ducrot. Automation already plays a central role in today's rail traffic and enables trains to run at close intervals, which would not be possible without such technologies.

An SBB spokesperson emphasized to Handelszeitung: "Development is ongoing." The registration of the trademark is "precautionary" in order to keep all future possibilities open. "You never know what the future will bring," he added.

SBB CEO Vincent Ducrot has long since ushered in the age of AI at SBB.
SBB CEO Vincent Ducrot has long since ushered in the age of AI at SBB.

AI as an opportunity and a challenge

While AI significantly increases efficiency, it is also controversial. In particular, there are fears that it could put jobs at risk. A study by the World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts a global decline in jobs of two percent, with office workers being particularly affected. For SBB, which employs around 35,000 people at the end of 2023, this could affect 700 jobs.

Vincent Ducrot's office, however, says: "For SBB, the focus of AI applications is always on people and the benefits for customers."

Unexpected brand categories

Interestingly, the brand entry also includes areas such as toys, sporting goods, Christmas tree decorations and advertising. This leaves room for speculation about SBB's actual plans for the new brand.

One possible explanation could lie in the advertising: commercials and posters that communicate the brand and its AI initiatives are most in line with the declared intention to focus on people and customer benefits.