Labor market The fight against skills shortages is insufficient, according to the Swiss Federal Audit Office


26.8.2024 - 23:00

There is a shortage of skilled workers in Switzerland and in neighboring countries. According to a new report by the Swiss Federal Audit Office, the measures to combat this are not having the desired effect. (theme picture)
There is a shortage of skilled workers in Switzerland and in neighboring countries. According to a new report by the Swiss Federal Audit Office, the measures to combat this are not having the desired effect. (theme picture)

The federal government has been providing the economy with financial support for years to alleviate the shortage of skilled workers. In a new report, the Swiss Federal Audit Office concludes that these measures have only had a limited effect. There is still a need for action.

Since 2011, the federal government has launched two different programs to combat the shortage of skilled workers and to promote the domestic workforce - at a cost of several hundred million francs. The Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) has now audited these measures.

In its report published on Monday evening, the SFAO notes that the Confederation, other authorities and the economy have been paying attention to signs of a shortage of skilled workers for many years. However, the measures taken have not been able to remedy the shortage of skilled workers in the sectors examined.

In its statement on the report, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco) states that the measures examined by the SFAO "are deliberately not aimed at remedying sector-specific shortages". Overall, the federal government provides largely suitable framework conditions for the economy.