The Fribourg cantonal police have taken a driver out of circulation who was drunk behind the wheel twice within 24 hours. Both times he caused an accident. He has now lost his driver's license and car, as the police announced on Monday.
The 59-year-old was first noticed by the police on Saturday afternoon in Fribourg. In the H182 tunnel of the Poya Bridge, he had hit a car in front of him out of carelessness. The man had an alcohol level of over 0.4 mg/l. The police confiscated his driver's license.
On Sunday, at almost the same time, a police patrol discovered a vehicle involved in an accident that was traveling from Granges-Paccot in the direction of Fribourg. It turned out to be the same driver. Once again, he had over 0.4 mg/l.
This time his vehicle was confiscated. The man will have to answer to the courts.