Latest news Brown bear attacks cyclist in Slovakia


25.7.2024 - 11:08

ARCHIVE - A brown bear has attacked a cyclist in Slovakia (symbolic image/archive image). Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa
ARCHIVE - A brown bear has attacked a cyclist in Slovakia (symbolic image/archive image). Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa

A brown bear has attacked a cyclist in Slovakia. The 34-year-old was riding along a forest path on Wednesday evening, said a police spokeswoman according to the TASR agency.

The bear had suddenly attacked the man while he was riding. The victim was taken to hospital with injuries to his upper and lower extremities.

The incident occurred near the municipality of Sutovo at the foot of the Little Fatra, a mountain range in the north-west of the country. A bear rescue team from the state nature conservation authority was alerted and began searching for the predator, whose tracks were lost. According to the media, a woman accompanying the man reported that it was a female brown bear with her three cubs. It was said that she may have wanted to protect her offspring.

According to estimates, there are around 1,300 brown bears in Slovakia. They prefer to live in the mountains or in dense forests. According to the state nature conservation authority, 41 brown bears had already been released for shooting between the beginning of the year and mid-July because they had lost their fear of humans or had become a danger to the lives, health and property of citizens.

In the event of an unintentional encounter with a brown bear, experts advise people to stand still and retreat slowly. Under no circumstances should you wave your arms, throw stones, shout loudly or take a selfie.