Tanker truck explodes Blast wave injures bystanders

Christian Thumshirn


A tanker truck catches fire on a country road in Brazil. Onlookers pull out their cell phones and film. Suddenly, the truck explodes in a huge fireball. The shock wave injures many onlookers.

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  • A tanker filled with gas explodes in a huge fireball on a country road. The enormous pressure wave spreads at breakneck speed.
  • At least six people are injured, some of them seriously.
  • The horrific scenes took place on the main BR-010 highway near Paragominas, north of Brasilia in Brazil.

Time and again, secondary accidents occur because onlookers, driven by their thirst for sensation, stop and pull out their cell phones instead of driving on or waiting at a safe distance for the danger zone to be cleared.

In Brazil, this has now proved fatal for some rubberneckers. They filmed a burning tanker truck at close range with their smartphones. When the gas in the tank ignited and exploded in a huge fireball, some of the onlookers were seriously injured by flying debris.