Of "morons" and "losers" Biden vs. Trump - the low points in the video

Marius Egger


The first TV duel between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is history. The duel will also be remembered for some low points.


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  • The first TV duel between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is history.
  • The most powerful man in the world left a disastrous impression at times.
  • Biden regularly floundered and spoke unclearly.
  • Trump repeated old accusations and lies.

The first TV duel between the incumbent US President Joe Biden and his challenger Donald Trump was eagerly awaited. And ended disastrously, especially for Joe Biden.

The US President put in a shaky performance against his challenger Donald Trump and raised doubts about his suitability for the office. The televised debate was seen as a test for the 81-year-old Democrat.

During the 90-minute exchange of blows, Biden regularly floundered, speaking indistinctly, quietly and in a raspy voice. At times it was difficult to follow the most powerful man in the world. Although Biden came down hard on his opponent Trump, he came across as powerless and on the defensive.

As usual, the Republican attacked Biden with aggressive rhetoric and repeated old accusations and lies. However, this was less important due to Biden's weak performance.

The duel also had some low points in store, as can be seen in the video.