Northern Switzerland Aargau halts construction of asylum accommodation in Oftringen due to additional costs


1.7.2024 - 12:11

Modular asylum accommodation for 150 people on the A1 highway in Oftringen AG: the canton of Aargau is expecting additional costs and is therefore suspending the project. Parliament had approved CHF 4.6 million. (archive picture)
Modular asylum accommodation for 150 people on the A1 highway in Oftringen AG: the canton of Aargau is expecting additional costs and is therefore suspending the project. Parliament had approved CHF 4.6 million. (archive picture)

The canton of Aargau has stopped the project for the cantonal asylum accommodation in Oftringen AG with immediate effect. The canton cites unbudgeted additional costs as the reason. The cantonal parliament had approved 4.6 million francs in November. There was to be space for 150 people.

1.7.2024 - 12:11

The additional costs are primarily due to stricter fire protection requirements as a result of the conversion of the modular buildings into asylum accommodation as well as various adjustments as part of the project development, the department of cantonal councillor Jean-Pierre Gallati (SVP) announced on Monday.

With these additional costs, the credit approved by parliament could no longer be adhered to. The preparatory work for the construction work has therefore been stopped, it said.

The Department of Health and Social Affairs (DGS) will revise the project and propose the next steps to the cantonal government. A new or additional credit decision by the Grand Council will probably be necessary.

Gift from a Basel chemical company

The planned accommodation is a modular building from 2016 that was donated to the canton by the Basel-based chemical company F. Hoffmann-La Roche as a gift. However, Aargau must dismantle the modular building in Kaiseraugst AG at its own expense and transport it to the new location.

The Oftringen municipal council provides the canton with part of the municipal plot of land for at least ten years on a building lease. The building lease amounts to CHF 33,000 per year. The municipal assembly approved the deal in September 2023. The plot is located in the zone for public buildings and facilities - right next to the A1 freeway.

The project received a lot of praise from the Grand Council when the loan was approved. It was said to be a "stroke of luck". The cost-benefit ratio was good. Thanks were expressed to the company for the gift and also to the municipality of Oftringen.

It is a showcase project that demonstrates what is possible with good cooperation between the canton and municipalities. All parties agreed - with the exception of the divided SVP parliamentary group.