"Take care of him" This is Bigna Silberschmidt's emotional farewell to "10vor10"

Carlotta Henggeler


With a fragile voice, Bigna Silberschmidt said goodbye to the "10vor10" viewers on Wednesday evening - after 325 broadcasts. At the end, she theatrically took off the microphone.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Bigna Silberschmidt bids an emotional farewell to "10vor10" and emphasizes the importance of public service.
  • Her successor as presenter is Eliane Leiser, who has been working for SRF for over ten years.
  • The 39-year-old Silberschmidt is leaving SRF after more than ten years to set up her own business.

"That was your last '10vor10' program today - it's the 325th. I would like to say thank you for every single one of them. Not just for that, but also for everything else you've done for SRF - from 'Schweiz aktuell' to 'Einstein', where you've become an audience favorite."

This is how TV colleague Arthur Honegger says goodbye to Bigna Silberschmidt. She will be missed by the team and the show. However, she will not lack the energy to tackle new things.

Silberschmidt hugs Honegger and says: "That's it for me - the last '10vor10' program. Time to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

Silberschmidt: "Making television only works as a team"

Then Bigna Silberschmidt has to take a deep breath out of sheer emotion and adds in a fragile voice: "For the trust in my and always our work. Making television only works as a team."

Silberschmidt thanks all her TV colleagues for the last ten years together. "One more thing: as a journalist and as a citizen of a democracy, the public service is very important to me because it stands for diversity in our society and for different perspectives. So here's a wish: take care of it."

The world is round so that people can meet again. Silberschmidt: "See you soon, take care, goodbye everyone."

Many SRF journalists go into business for themselves

Bigna Silberschmidt once joined SRF as a radio reporter before switching to the TV program "Schweiz aktuell" in 2016, where she worked as a presenter and live reporter.

It is already known who will succeed her as "10 vor 10" presenter: It is Eliane Leiser.

The 38-year-old journalist has been working for SRF for over ten years. Among other things, she was the presenter of the "Politikum" format and the "Einfach Politik" podcast.

Eliane Leiser is the successor to Bigna Silberschmidt as "10 vor 10" presenter.
Eliane Leiser is the successor to Bigna Silberschmidt as "10 vor 10" presenter.
Picture: SRF/Gian Vaitl

Bigna Silberschmidt is turning her back on the TV screen after five years and going freelance - a path that several SRF journalists have taken before her.

Stephan Klapproth presented "10vor10" for 22 years before turning his back on the news magazine in 2015. Between January 2015 and August 2016, Klapproth was part of the "Sternstunde Philosophie" moderation team. Since then, he has been self-employed and works as a journalist, presenter, speaker, trainer and rhetoric expert.

SRF also had to cope with a prominent departure from the news team in 2022. "That's it for the 'Taggeschau'". These were Franz Fischlin's last words as SRF presenter on June 23, 2022. He presented the main edition of "Tagesschau" for 18 years.

One of Fischlin's new areas of work is called "YouMedia", a project to promote media literacy among young people.

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