Avoid at all costs Seven mistakes you make at the start of the day

Sven Ziegler


Reaching for your cell phone straight away in the morning? Not a good idea.
Reaching for your cell phone straight away in the morning? Not a good idea.
Picture: Christin Klose/dpa Themendienst/dpa-tmn

There are a few things you need to do straight after waking up to start the day fit and alert. But be careful: there are seven nasty mistakes that can ruin your day.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • A good start to the day is essential for your well-being and productivity.
  • But many of us make a few mistakes in the morning.
  • blue News shows you what you should pay attention to in the morning.

A healthy start to the day is essential for your well-being and productivity. But there are common mistakes that many of us make in the morning.

blue News knows seven of these mistakes that you should avoid to get your day off to a better and healthier start:

Skipping breakfast

Many people believe that they can save calories by skipping breakfast. But the opposite is true: your metabolism slows down and later in the day you are more likely to eat unhealthy snacks to make up for the lack of energy.

A balanced breakfast gives you the energy boost you need and ensures that you feel focused throughout the morning.

Reach straight for your smartphone

Starting the day by reaching straight for your smartphone can have a negative impact on your mood. Constantly scrolling through social media or checking emails can cause stress and waste valuable morning time that could be better spent on self-care or a quiet morning routine.

Experts advise spending the first 30 minutes of the day screen-free to start the day more calmly.

Don't drink water

After several hours of sleep, your body is dehydrated. If you don't drink water straight after waking up, you miss the chance to kick-start your metabolism and flush toxins out of your body. A glass of water in the morning can work wonders and leave you feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Drink caffeine on an empty stomach

Many of us reach for a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. But caffeine on an empty stomach can irritate the stomach and increase acidity, which can lead to digestive problems.

Instead, try to eat something small first or postpone your coffee consumption until after breakfast.

Neglecting planning and preparation

Starting the day without a clear structure and plan can lead to stress and overwhelm. Take a few minutes in the morning to plan and prioritize your day.

Good planning will help you to be more productive and make your day more relaxed.

Don't integrate exercise into your morning

If you don't make time for exercise in the morning, you're missing a great opportunity to boost your circulation and increase your energy for the day.

Even a short stretching routine or a walk in the fresh air can work wonders and make you feel more alert and fit

Getting up too late

If you stay in bed until the last minute and then rush out of the house, you are putting yourself under unnecessary stress. Try getting up earlier to give yourself more time for a calm and relaxed morning routine. This can have a more positive impact on your entire day and reduce stress.