Bötschi asks Daniel Rohr "I want to die without spectators"
Bruno Bötschi
Daniel Rohr is a jack of all trades. He is a theater director. He is an actor. He is a director. And he works as an usher. A conversation about life on and off the stage, his love for his wife - and death.
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- Director and actor Daniel Rohr has been running the Theater Rigiblick in Zurich since 2004.
- He is at the Rigiblick almost every day, says the 62-year-old. "I can only do this because I am absolutely identical in my job, i.e. what I do every day," says Rohr.
- blue News takes a look behind the scenes at Rigiblick and visits the theater maker and his wife, director Hanna Scheuring, during rehearsals for their latest play.
It doesn't take long to acclimatize before you feel at home at the Rigiblick Theatre. On the one hand, this is due to the host, who welcomes you with a smile and guides you through the building with a lively narrative.
On the other hand, it is also due to the fact that visitors sense that many things are different high above Zurich. It is immediately noticeable how pleasant the atmosphere is - for example during rehearsals for the new play "Dreamer".
About the author: Bruno Bötschi

blue News editor Bruno Bötschi regularly talks to well-known personalities from Switzerland and abroad for the question-and-answer game "Bötschi fragt". He asks them lots of questions - always direct, often funny and sometimes profound. It always remains open until the very last question as to where the fast-paced ping-pong will lead.
"The Rigiblick is an asshole-free zone," says Daniel Rohr, who has been running the theater for 20 years.
Many people say he is a jack-of-all-trades
He is at the theater almost every day, says the 62-year-old in an interview with blue News. "But I can only do that because I'm absolutely identical in my job, i.e. what I do every day."
Daniel Rohr does a lot. He is a theater director. He is an actor. He is a director. He is a cashier. And he is an usher. Many people say he is a jack of all trades.
At the same time, Daniel Rohr always emphasizes how important all Rigiblick employees are. His wife Hanna Scheuring, for example, is the manager of the Bernhard Theater down in the city, but also often works at the Rigiblick.
Scheuring is the director of the play "Dreamer", which is being rehearsed this afternoon. It is often the other way around, with Rohr directing and Scheuring acting.
The fact that this works so harmoniously is a great gift, emphasizes Daniel Rohr. Working together in changing constellations is a tradition. In conversation, it quickly becomes clear that they both like it.
Daniel Rohr doesn't want to die on stage
Hanna Scheuring and Daniel Rohr have been a couple for 13 years. Was it love at first sight? "Almost," says Scheuring and laughs. "It was for me," Rohr adds mischievously.
It took a little longer for Rohr, a jack-of-all-trades, to find his calling. The various training courses and activities are possibly the reason why he can do so many things so well today.
Daniel Rohr started out as a banker before completing his A-levels and later training as an actor and director.
And although some people think that the 62-year-old is not only married to Hanna Scheuring, but also to the Rigiblick, Rohr says clearly: "No, I don't want to die on stage. Dying is something very intimate. I want to die without an audience."
You can find the current performance dates of "Dreamer" at Theater Rigiblick under this link.