Instagram photo causes a stirClaudia Effenberg defends herself against accusations of photo editing
8.11.2024 - 11:37
After publishing an edited photo on Instagram, Claudia Effenberg is facing criticism. She explains that the filter was not as strong as claimed.
08.11.2024, 11:37
Claudia Effenberg, known for her social media presence, recently shared a photo on Instagram that caused a stir. The picture, which showed her new hairstyle, was perceived by many as overly edited. The 59-year-old appeared to look like a woman in her mid-20s, which prompted some of her followers to make critical comments.
"I react to disrespectful behavior with distance."
One fan praised Effenberg's appearance on "Promi BB" and emphasized that she looked age-appropriate and stylish, while the filter on Instagram was unnecessary. Other followers were less diplomatic and questioned the authenticity of the picture. Effenberg reacted calmly and explained in her Instagram story that she wanted to react to disrespectful behavior with distance without getting involved in discussions.
Claudia's statement to RTL
In an interview with RTL, Effenberg once again commented on the accusations. She emphasized that the filter used was not as strong as many claimed. "The great thing is that the filter wasn't actually that strong at all, that I was super styled. And I was also made up. So, I just looked great," she explained. She went on to explain that the quality of the photos was also down to the technique of her hairstylist.
Sensitive topic
Despite the controversy surrounding the edited image, it remains undisputed that Claudia Effenberg is an impressive figure even without filters. However, the discussion surrounding the photo editing shows how sensitively the topic is perceived by the public.