In the sixth episode of the "Golden Bachelor" show, there is an unexpected farewell. Ute St., a candidate, decides to leave the show voluntarily. Although she describes Franz Stärk as a "great man", she feels that he is not the right man for her. This decision is difficult for her, as she tearfully explains in a personal conversation with Franz.
Ute doesn't want to steal the precious time the other women and Franz need for their own search for love. Despite a successful one-on-one date in the previous episode, which can be streamed on RTL+, Ute's decision comes as a surprise to the Golden Bachelor. Franz admits that he would have liked to get to know Ute even better and is disappointed by her sudden departure.
The news of Ute's departure also triggers emotional reactions from the other contestants. Tears flow as Ute tells her fellow contestants that she will be leaving the villa immediately. The evening ends with another emotional challenge, as Franz does not have a rose for all the remaining women. Find out who has to leave the show involuntarily in the latest episode on RTL+.
The editor wrote this article with the help of AI.