Lots of emotions at DSDS Beatrice Egli moved to tears, Loredana on the verge of a scandal

Vanessa Büchel


Moved: Beatrice Egli sheds tears again and again in the DSDS jury.
Moved: Beatrice Egli sheds tears again and again in the DSDS jury.
RTL / Screenshot

Good talent, bad talent: The jury of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" had a lot to endure in episode two. Loredana reached her nervous limits. Dieter Bohlen was bleeding. And Beatrice Egli cried.

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  • The second episode of DSDS aired on RTL on Saturday.
  • In the show, jury member and Swiss rapper Loredana had a tantrum.
  • Dieter Bohlen, on the other hand, almost had to be taken to the emergency room.
  • Several candidates moved Beatrice Egli, who is also on the jury, to tears Beatrice Egli.

On "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" (DSDS), everything is usually thought of - just not the fact that rapper and Karim Adeyemi's girlfriend Loredana (29) has a mind of her own. "I don't think I'm going to take part anymore. I'm not going to be made a fool of here," she said very early on in the show and made preparations to leave the jury panel and the set.

But a Katja Krasavice-style scandal (28) was averted. Just like Dieter Bohlen (70) bleeding to death ...

Loredana is angry: "I can't be bribed"

The person responsible for Loredana's outburst of anger was Tarkan Simsek. He wants to follow in the footsteps of Menderes (39) as a DSDS repeat offender. He's already getting on everyone's nerves.

Last year, security had to use gentle pressure to escort him out of the studio because he didn't want to admit his grandiose failure. This time it wasn't the security who left, but almost Loredana.

After a bottomless performance of "Poker Face" and "Midnight Lady" (read from a lyric sheet), everything seemed clear. "This is never going to work," said Dieter Bohlen. Pietro Lombardi (32) reached high onto the shelf of unkindness: "Menderes would have sung that better." But then Bohlen opened the barrel: "If you get through, will you promise me that you'll never come back?" First Tarkan and then Dieter said "yes" and Bohlen also asked his "eternal assistant" (original quote from Pietro about himself!).

Beatrice Egli (36) still said no, Loredana even gave an "insane no". But the score was 2:2. "I can't be bribed", said Loredana and threatened to leave.

But the scandal didn't happen. Tarkan had chosen Loredana, of all people, as the wild card and so bowled himself out. Bohlen: "Well, I made a mess of it!"

Dieter Bohlen needs a doctor

The self-proclaimed pop titan later found out for himself that nice gestures don't always end well. When he wanted to take selfies with some fans, he squeezed past a rose bush and cut his upper arm.

Blood flowed and the emergency room in Freiburg's Kilinikum got ready. However, Bohlen had himself treated on site at Europa-Park. "I recently had blood poisoning, I don't need that again!" he said and consulted the paramedic. He had little to do. The arm stayed in place. But the adjudicator was fed up: "You want to do something nice and you immediately get the receipt." His lesson: "I'll stay angry."

81-year-old pensioner moves Beatrice Egli to tears

But he actually had more reason to be happy. The second candidate would have deserved a gold CD. Manfred Burkhard is 81 and an "old-school professional", as Bohlen attested to him.

The pensioner has been singing for decades and according to the motto "Ich bin ne Wildsau, ich bin vorn, je oller, je doller." His "Can you feel the Love tonight" (Elton John) thrilled Bohlen ("You have intoned like no one else before you") and moved Beatrice Egli to tears. And not for the only time.

The Swiss singer is very close to the water in this DSDS season. The 19-year-old vocal wonder Nico D'Anno ("I don't think I can win. I know I can win!") and his soulful "Another Love" also brought a sparkle to her eyes. With Anne Heinz (34), she then had to reach for her handkerchief again.

Pietro Lombardi was deeply moved

For pediatric dentist Anne, there was - understandably - no stopping her. She had lost her partner just a few months ago. They had actually wanted to perform together on DSDS. But she packed grief, pain and love into her self-composed song "Illumina" - and swept everyone off the jury podium.

Beatrice Egli cried, Pietro Lombardi was deeply moved: "That was an intimate moment, you swept us all away. Your husband saw you and he is proud of you!"

Interior designer Elizabeth Saunders (25), who gave Loredana goosebumps, food influencer Maike Schmidt (28), to whom her jury favorite Pietro ("I think he's cute"), of all people, did not say yes, and educational assistant Lea Rammel (23), who wants to be much more: "I want fame, yes," she confessed. The jury gave her "the whole package" (looks, charisma, voice), although she probably still needs to work on her singing the most.

The 18-year-old Maria Jourdain doesn't have to. The teenager with the purple hair looked "super super cute" (Loredana), but delivered "endless power" (Bohlen) on the mic.

Beatrice Egli horrified: "I'm scared of this woman"

Abdelssalem Zouaghi (54) will also be in the recall. He is a hyper-energetic multi-talker and had a mini-hit on TikTok two years ago with "Ananas". He showed a beautiful Michel Jackson memory grab in his crotch during his jittery, steely performance.

And there wasn't much else positive to say - unless your name is Dieter Bohlen. He found the man and his songs funny and also talked his "adopted son" Pietro into saying yes. And then even the "incorruptible" Loredana let herself be softened. Only Beatrice showed her edge: "No, just no!"

Bad things were also to be expected from Roelle Cokcanal. The 19-year-old sees her whole life as a performance and has dedicated herself to the role of the ice-cold, arrogant goth brat. With huge self-confidence: "I know that I'm better than what's out there. I'm here to rise to the top."

But she can sing, and how. You wouldn't believe it during her "Back to black". Loredana ("Stay like this and don't do anything different") was thrilled, Pietro ("Great, arrogant, dirty voice") and Bohlen ("Clever, eye-catching performance") were impressed. Only Beatrice almost cried again, this time in sorrow: "I'm scared of this woman."

One contestant simply stops the performance and leaves

Christian Jährig, the 30-year-old with the voice of a child (because his voice didn't break), also made it through, and deservedly so.

And Antonia Rotter ("Looks top, voice flop"), Tön Staubli ("Your passion creates suffering"), Ian Jules ("You're a colorful bird, but you sing like a civil servant"), Maria Hennig and her sister Katrin Ghosh (eight no's!), Monika Schröder ("You're unique, but not a good one") and Xinye Tan ("You have everything, but you can't sing") were just as deserving.

Berni Wertler too. When he realized that he wasn't convincing the jury, he broke off in the middle and left. "Can't always work out. There are many things in life."

"DSDS" aired on Saturday, September 21, at 8.15 p.m. on RTL.

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