New rules for DSDS Beatrice Egli is looking forward to 92-year-old contestants

Fabian Tschamper


Beatrice Egli is delighted about the lifting of the age limit on DSDS.
Beatrice Egli is delighted about the lifting of the age limit on DSDS.
IMAGO/Christian Schroedter

The 21st season of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" is about to start - with Beatrice Egli on the jury panel for the first time. The 2013 winner returns to the RTL show with great anticipation.

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  • Beatrice Egli will be sitting as a judge for the first time in the 21st season of DSDS and wants to help the talents with her feedback.
  • One new feature of the show is the removal of the age limit, which means that a 92-year-old participant is taking part for the first time, which Egli sees as enriching in terms of diversity and depth.
  • Egli is looking forward to the intergenerational musical encounters and expects a particularly emotional and vocally powerful season.

The radiant smile is back on DSDS. Following her victory on "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" in 2013, Beatrice Egli (36) will be sitting on the jury panel herself for the first time in the 21st season of the RTL show and wants to help the up-and-coming singing talents with her feedback.

A lot has changed since she took part eleven years ago: Not only has the singer long since become a celebrated pop star who has already released ten successful albums. DSDS has also evolved over the years. The cheerful blonde is particularly looking forward to a new arrangement.

"It's something you wish for the whole world"

For the first time, a contestant with a proud age of 92 is taking part in the casting show. The reason: DSDS has lifted the age limit for the new season. "That's a really good thing," says Beatrice Egli and explains in an interview with the teleschau agency why this change makes sense: "The older participants bring a very special diversity and depth to the show and give it a lot of soul. Their voices are shaped by their life stories and experiences, which gives them something unique."

"It's impressive to see someone at the age of 92 really blossom when they sing. In moments like that, it becomes clear that age is just a number and no longer has any meaning," the singer continues. "I particularly like how the different generations make music together and learn from each other. That's something you wish for the whole world."

This is precisely why Beatrice Egli expects the new season to be "more vocally powerful and emotional than ever before". She is very excited to see how the audience will react to the age limit being removed. After all, it is still the viewers who decide who will be the new superstar.

The 21st season of DSDS starts on Wednesday, September 18, at 8.15 p.m. on RTL.

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