"The truth has prevailed" Mathias Flückiger finally acquitted after more than 800 days


18.10.2024 - 10:04

Mathias Flückiger is delighted that a more than two-year battle against unjustified doping allegations has come to an end
Mathias Flückiger is delighted that a more than two-year battle against unjustified doping allegations has come to an end

Mountain biker Mathias Flückiger is on his way to being fully exonerated from the accusations of violating anti-doping regulations. This after more than 800 days.

Like Swiss Sports Integrity, the UCI and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) did not refer the case to the International Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). Now that the deadlines have passed, Flückiger's more than two-year battle against unjustified doping accusations has come to an end with an acquittal.

"The strain over the last two years has been unbelievably great. Overcoming this case, with its endless obstacles, was by far the most difficult and longest competition in my career," the 36-year-old from Bern said in a press release. "I am grateful that I had my family, my girlfriend and an incredibly good team by my side. They made it possible for the truth to prevail in the end."

Ultimately, all parties came to the conclusion that the sample taken from the mountain biker on June 5, 2022 and the result of the analysis were not usable and that the sample should never have been positive.

"I am proud that I never gave up. That I had the strength to believe in justice for so long. And that I was able to overcome so many mental setbacks over all this time," says Flückiger.

The case has repercussions

In the communiqué, Flückiger once again expresses his consternation towards Swiss Sports Integrity and Swiss Cycling. These two institutions would not show themselves to be "remorseful, understanding or aware of a mistake". He is therefore all the more pleased that the Executive Board of Swiss Olympic has taken up the issue and is now trying to open the case.

"My aim is to improve the processes and responsibilities. Because the system failed massively in my case, on several occasions. It must be ensured that there is never another case like this in Swiss sport. I hope that Swiss Olympic will set the course for a complete investigation of the case," reads the communiqué.

In the ruling by the Swiss Olympic Disciplinary Chamber, Swiss Sports Integrity was ordered to pay Flückiger CHF 3,000 in legal costs and over CHF 43,000 in compensation.

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