National League Hunter slays the Tiger ++ 34 penalty minutes in Fribourg ++ next defeat for Zug


12.10.2024 - 23:01

In their sixth home game, the SCL Tigers lose for the first time this season - 0:1 against new second-placed Lausanne. Fribourg bounced back with a win against Ambri. The facts from Saturday.

The results from Saturday evening

  • SCL Tigers - Lausanne 0:1 (0:0, 0:0, 0:1)
  • Fribourg-Gottéron - Ambri-Piotta 4:3 (3:0, 0:3, 1:0)
  • Rapperswil-Jona Lakers - Zug 4:3 (1:0, 1:2, 2:1)
  • Bern - Genève-Servette 5:2 (3:0, 2:2, 0:0)
  • Ajoie - Davos 0:3 (0:1, 0:2, 0:0)

Hunter slays the tiger

It took a hunter, Ken Jäger to be precise, to kill the Emmental tiger. The Grisons striker in Lausanne's service scored the only goal of a hard-fought game in the 52nd minute. Stéphane Charlin in goal for the SCL Tigers and Kevin Pasche for the visitors each turned away 36 shots, but the Langnau native was beaten once. Lausanne moved up to second place with their sixth win in the last seven games. Pasche was not beaten for the second time in a row after the 6-0 win against Fribourg-Gottéron on Friday.

Ambri-Piotta stopped in Fribourg

Fribourg-Gottéron showed signs of life after Friday's desolate 6-0 loss in Lausanne. Last year's playoff semi-finalists and current second-last team won a spiteful game with 34 penalty minutes against in-form Ambri-Piotta 4:3. Gottéron led 3:0 after the first, squandered this lead in the middle period thanks in part to two goals from Dario Bürgler, but had the last word thanks to club icon Julien Sprunger's fourth goal of the season in the 49th minute. Also pleasing: 18-year-old own junior Jan Dorthe scored his first championship goal after a hat-trick in the Champions League.

Zug also loses in Rapperswil

EV Zug is sliding into a veritable crisis. The 2021 and 2022 Swiss champions lost 3:4 at Rapperswil-Jona Lakers and thus for the fifth time in the last six games. Although the Central Swiss team turned the tide with three goals in four and a half minutes from 0:2 to 3:2, the Lakers had the last word. The Swede Malte Strömwall and the Dane Nicklas Jensen ensured that Rapperswil-Jona won for the fourth time in the fifth home game and always scored points in the process.

SCB back on track with goal festival

After two defeats, SC Bern returned to winning ways with a festival of goals. With a 5:2 win, they took full points in a home game against Genève-Servette for the first time since January 2022. American Austin Czarnik, the team's leading scorer, continued to impress with a goal and two assists, while Marco Lehmann also scored his eighth goal of the season.

Ajoie with its ninth defeat

Ajoie lost for the ninth time in the tenth game of the season. On Friday in Zurich, the bottom team still showed morale and managed to get a point after going 4-0 down. Against Davos, however, after Michael Fora scored his first two goals, there was no more rebellion in the middle third. The score remained 3:0. After their hard-fought victory against SC Bern, HCD had a relaxed win against their former coach Christian Wohlwend on Thursday.


SCL Tigers - Lausanne 0:1 (0:0, 0:0, 0:1)

5662 spectators. - SR Ströbel/Kova (FIN), Humair/Duc. - Goal: 52nd Jäger (Bayreuther, Bozon) 0:1. - Penalties: 2 times 2 minutes against SCL Tigers, 4 times 2 minutes against Lausanne. - PostFinance top scorers: Saarela; Suomela.

SCL Tigers: Charlin; Guggenheim, Riikola; Saarijärvi, Baltisberger; Meier, Paschoud; Zanetti; Rohrbach, Berger, Pesonen; Julian Schmutz, Flavio Schmutz, Saarela; Fahrni, Felcman, Allenspach; Petrini, Salzgeber, Lapinskis.

Lausanne: Pasche; Glauser, Bayreuther; Heldner, Frick; Sklenicka, Marti; Vouardoux, Fiedler; Riat, Suomela, Oksanen; Hügli, Jäger, Bozon; Pajuniemi, Rochette, Fuchs; Holdener, Bougro, Genazzi.

Remarks: SCL Tigers without Malone and Mäenalanen (both injured), Lausanne without Kuokkanen, Pilut, Prassl and Raffl (all injured). SCL Tigers without goalkeeper from 58:09.

Fribourg-Gottéron - Ambri-Piotta 4:3 (3:0, 0:3, 1:0)

9119 spectators. - SR Kaukokari (FIN)/Staudenmann, Stalder/Meusy. - Goals: 9. Wallmark (Sörensen, Gunderson/powerplay goal) 1:0. 16. Dorthe (Rathgeb, DiDomenico) 2:0. 20. (19:33) Marchon (Bertschy/underpaid goal!) 3:0. 21. (21:00) Bürgler (Heed/at 5-on-3) 3:1. 35. Bürgler (Heed, Pestoni/powerplay goal) 3:2. 37. Heim (Wüthrich) 3:3. 49. Sprunger 4:3. - Penalties: 10 times 2 minutes against Fribourg-Gottéron, 7 times 2 minutes against Ambri-Piotta. - PostFinance top scorers: Sörensen; Virtanen.

Fribourg-Gottéron: Berra; Diaz, Borgman; Sutter, Seiler; Gunderson, Jecker; Rathgeb; Sörensen, Wallmark, Schmid; DiDomenico, De la Rose, Dorthe; Bertschy, Marchon, Mottet; Sprunger, Walser, Gerber; Binias.

Ambri-Piotta: Juvonen; Heed, Curran; Virtanen, Zgraggen; Wüthrich, Terraneo; Isacco Dotti; Pestoni, Heim, De Luca; Bürgler, Maillet, Douay; Zwerger, Landry, Kubalik; Grassi, Kostner, Müller; Hedlund.

Remarks: Fribourg-Gottéron without Dufner and Streule (both injured), Ambri-Piotta without Zaccheo Dotti, Pezzullo (both injured) and Ang (supernumerary foreigner). Ambri-Piotta without a goalkeeper from 57:56.

Rapperswil-Jona Lakers - Zug 4:3 (1:0, 1:2, 2:1)

5012 spectators. - SR Stricker/Hürlimann, Fuchs/Gnemmi. - Goals: 7. Wetter (Albrecht, Strömwall) 1:0. 29. Jelovac (Aberg, Dünner) 2:0. 37. (36:15) Riva (Eggenberger) 2:1. 38. (37:51) Stadler 2:2. 41. (40:53) Vozenilek 2:3. 45. (44:02) Strömwall (Wetter, Henauer) 3:3. 46. (45:15) Jensen (Baragano, Larsson) 4:3. - Penalties: 3 times 2 minutes against Rapperswil-Jona Lakers, 4 times 2 minutes against Zug. - PostFinance top scorers: Moy; Kovar.

Rapperswil-Jona Lakers: Punnenovs; Jelovac, Holm; Maier, Henauer; Baragano, Larsson; Capaul; Strömwall, Albrecht, Wetter; Wick, Dünner, Aberg; Moy, Rask, Jensen; Hofer, Taibel, Zangger; Alge.

Zug: Wolf; Bengtsson, Geisser; Hansson, Muggli; Stadler, Riva; Biasca, Olofsson, Künzle; Simion, Kovar, Vozenilek; Wingerli, Senteler, Herzog; Antenen, Leuenberger, Eggenberger; Balestra.

Remarks: Rapperswil-Jona Lakers without Djuse, Lammer and Quinn (all injured), Zug without Genoni, Hofmann, Schlumpf (all injured), Martschini (sick) and Carlsson (supernumerary foreigner). Zug without goalkeeper from 58:55.

Bern - Genève-Servette 5:2 (3:0, 2:2, 0:0)

15643 spectators. - SR Piechaczek (GER)/Hungerbühler, Francey/Gurtner. - Goals: 12. Czarnik (Ejdsell) 1:0. 14. Ritzmann (Füllemann, Sablatnig) 2:0. 16. Baumgartner (Merelä) 3:0. 21. (20:38) Manninen (Vatanen, Spacek/powerplay goal) 3:1. 27. Lehmann (Czarnik) 4:1. 34. Sablatnig (Czarnik, Vermin) 5:1. 39. Hartikainen (Lennström, Vatanen/powerplay goal) 5:2. - Penalties: 4 times 2 minutes against Bern, 1 time 2 minutes against Genève-Servette. - PostFinance top scorers: Czarnik; Hartikainen.

Bern: Reideborn; Untersander, Nemeth; Loeffel, Lindholm; Vermin, Kindschi; Füllemann; Simon Moser, Bader, Marchon; Schild, Graf, Ritzmann; Merelä, Baumgartner, Scherwey; Lehmann, Czarnik, Ejdsell; Sablatnig.

Genève-Servette: Mayer; Vatanen, Berni; Schneller, Lennström; Le Coultre, Chanton; Jacquemet, Vouardoux; Hartikainen, Manninen, Praplan; Jooris, Spacek, Miranda; Loosli, Richard, Bertaggia; Imesch, Maillard, Guignard.

Remarks: Bern without Kahun and Kreis (both injured), Genève-Servette without Cavalleri, Descloux, Granlund, Hischier, Karrer, Pouliot, Raanta, Rod and Völlmin (all injured).

Ajoie - Davos 0:3 (0:1, 0:2, 0:0)

4649 spectators. - SR Tscherrig/Dipietro, Urfer/Huguet. - Goals: 7. Zadina (Guebey, Barandun) 0:1. 24. Fora (Corvi) 0:2. 30. Fora (Gross) 0:3. - Penalties: 4 times 2 minutes each. - PostFinance top scorers: Turkulainen; Tambellini.

Ajoie: Ciaccio; Anttoni Honka, Fey; Maurer, Brennan; Arno Nussbaumer, Fischer; Thiry; Turkulainen, Devos, Pedretti; Sopa, Palve, Nättinen; Bozon, Romanenghi, Frossard; Minder, Rundqvist, Pouilly; Robin.

Davos: Hollenstein; Julius Honka, Dahlbeck; Fora, Gross; Andersson, Barandun; Guebey, Müller; Stransky, Corvi, Ambühl; Frehner, Ryfors, Tambellini; Knak, Valentin Nussbaumer, Zadina; Wieser, Gredig, Parrée.

Remarks: Ajoie without Garessus, Hazen, Schmutz (all injured) and Veckaktins (suspended), Davos without Egli, Jung, Kessler and Nordström (all injured). Ajoie without goalkeeper from 58:37.