Contract extension Zubi: "Yakin and Contini have shut their critics up"

Tobias Benz


blue Sport expert Pascal Zuberbühler is delighted with Murat Yakin's contract extension. For the former national team goalie, one thing is clear: "You couldn't wish for a better coach than Yakin for the national team."

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Murat Yakin remains coach of the national team. He is extending his contract together with assistant coach Giorgio Contini.
  • Yakin will therefore also lead the team into the qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup in the USA, Canada and Mexico.
  • For former national team goalie Pascal Zuberbühler, this is a great success for Switzerland. The blue Sport expert is delighted with the decision.

It was "absolutely the right decision", says blue Sport expert Pascal Zuberbühler after the contract extension of national team coach Murat Yakin. "Yakin and Contini have shut their critics up," says Zubi - and continues: "Murat has earned it, he has played a wonderful campaign."

They could have gone further at the European Championship, Zubi points out - but the elimination against England was not Yakin's fault. "We would all have liked to have gone further. But he played a wonderful Euro. He was clearly able to distinguish himself."

Contini the "dot on the 'i'"

Zubi is also full of praise for assistant coach Giorgio Contini: "It was very interesting to see how much of the training sessions Contini led. He is very strong verbally, with all the languages he speaks. And the players listen to him, which is extremely important." Zubi was already certain before the European Championship: "Contini is the dot on the 'i' for the Swiss national team."

With the contract extension, they now have "the national team coach you could only wish for for the Swiss national team." You can see what else Zubi has to say about the future of the national team in the video above.

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