Mr. Ryf is the most loyal Aarau fan "Brügglifeld has been my second home for 73 years"

Michael Wegmann


On October 12, the Brügglifeld celebrates its 100th birthday. Of course Ernst Ryf (85) won't miss the anniversary match against Schalke 04. He has been at the Brügglifeld since he fell in love with FC Aarau 73 years ago at the age of 12.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • On October 12, the Brügglifeld celebrates its 100th birthday. The anniversary match between Schalke 04 and Aarau will be broadcast on blue Zoom (kick-off 5.00 pm).
  • In addition to all the former heroes such as Rolf Fringer and Peter Aleksandrow, Ernst Ryf will also be in the stadium. The 85-year-old has hardly missed a home game since he fell in love with FC Aarau as a 12-year-old.
  • blue met the most loyal Aarau fan days before the celebration at the Brügglifeld. "The best times were those with Ottmar Hitzfeld and Rolf Fringer on the touchline," enthuses Mr. Ryf.

Ernst Ryf was 12 years old when a friend of his parents, neither of whom knew anything about football, took him to the Brügglifeld for the first time. This experience made a big impression on little Ernst. "At that moment, I really fell in love with FC Aarau." This love never left him. Until today. Little Ernst is now 85 and, together with his wife Sybille, has three sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He still has his season ticket and goes to every home game. The same row, the same seat for many years. "The stadium means a lot to me, it's like a second home to me," he says.

Ryf has been driven by the person sitting next to him for 5 years

After his 80th birthday, he thinks that's it for the Brügglifeld. As he should no longer drive in the dark. When he tells his long-time seatmate this, he vetoes it. Ryf: "He said that in future he would pick me up at home in Schönenwerd and bring me back after the game." He has been doing this for five seasons now. "You have to look for friends like that for a long time," says Ryf happily.

Ernst and Sybille Ryf ran a restaurant in Schönenwerd together for decades, where they also handled advance ticket sales for Aarau home games for a long time. He is still an active member of a supporters' association and takes part in the meetings. He is probably the most loyal Aarau fan of all. A matchgoer for 73 years - who else can claim that?

"It was best under Hitzfeld and Fringer"

There have certainly been more enjoyable, better times as an Aarau fan than the last few years, says Ryf ahead of the match against Schalke 04 to mark the centenary of the Brügglifeld on October 12 (kick-off at 17:00 on blue Zoom). Ryf waxes lyrical: "The best times were those with Ottmar Hitzfeld and Rolf Fringer on the touchline. With Ottmar we won the cup in 1985 and with Rolf we became Swiss champions in 1993."

For years, objections have prevented the construction of a new football stadium. "I certainly won't live to see a new stadium," says Ryf. It doesn't seem to bother him, on the contrary, as he fell in love with FC Aarau and the Brügglifeld 73 years ago. A love - for almost his entire life.

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