Wrapped in a plastic bag Woman carries her own heart in her hand luggage on a flight

Gabriela Beck


Airport staff have made an unusual discovery in a woman's hand luggage.
Airport staff have made an unusual discovery in a woman's hand luggage.
imago images/Cavan Images

Surprise for the staff at the security checkpoint at Melbourne Airport: they discover a human heart in a plastic bag in a woman's hand luggage. That's what's behind it.

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  • Security staff at Melbourne Airport discovered a human heart in a woman's hand luggage.
  • It turned out to be the old heart of the owner, who has had a donor heart in her body since a transplant a few years ago.
  • The woman had taken her old heart with her when she moved from New Zealand to Australia as a memento of the operation she had survived.

It is a reminder of a dangerous operation that Jessica Manning survived well a few years ago, which is why she wanted to take it with her when she moved from New Zealand to Australia: her old heart.

Wrapped in a plastic bag, she took it with her on the flight to Melbourne in her hand luggage. There, the security staff at the baggage check were astonished - and checked in detail whether the organ could pose a health risk.

"I spent about an hour trying to get this damn heart to Australia. But now I've got it and it's safe in my closet," Manning told theNew Zealand Herald.

The 30-year-old had three open heart surgeries as a child. In 2016, doctors told her she would have a maximum of two years to live if no donor could be found. After 16 anxious months, Manning received a heart transplant.

She donated her old heart to research, but the scientists sent the organ back to her. Manning decided to keep her heart.