Celestial spectacle poses puzzles "Where is the moon?" - confused Americans ask Google for advice

Dominik Müller


On March 14, the moon shone reddish in many places.
On March 14, the moon shone reddish in many places.
Afar TV / Youtube

The total lunar eclipse was particularly visible in North and South America. This is causing great confusion among residents, as Google searches show.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • A total lunar eclipse will take place on March 14.
  • The phenomenon was barely visible in Switzerland - unlike in North and South America.
  • The local population wondered where the moon had gone.

In Switzerland, the celestial spectacle was only partially visible, if at all. In North and South America, however, the moon turned purple during a total lunar eclipse.

Although the phenomenon was announced, many people on these continents were apparently surprised by the unusual sight. Search queries such as "Where is the moon?" are currently trending on Google. ("Where is the moon?") or "Why can't I see the moon?" ("Why can't I see the moon?").

But there is no need to worry. The very next night, people will see a familiar picture in the night sky again.

During a total lunar eclipse, the celestial body does not shine bright white, but reddish. This is because the surface of the moon is colored by long-wave red parts of the sunlight. This is why the celestial phenomenon is also known as the blood moon.