Displeasure about health insurance What blue News readers say about the premium hike

Dominik Müller


Health insurance premiums will rise by six percent in 2025.
Health insurance premiums will rise by six percent in 2025.

From 2025, Swiss citizens will pay an average of six percent more in health insurance premiums. This is how blue News readers react to the increase.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • In 2025, we will pay an average of over six percent more in health insurance premiums.
  • The average monthly premium will be CHF 378.70.
  • What blue News readers say about the increase.

On Thursday, Federal Councillor and Health Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider announced that health insurance premiums will rise by an average of six percent in 2025. The average monthly premium will be CHF 378.70. This means that the increase will be lower than this year's 8.7 percent.

However, the increase varies greatly depending on the canton. The canton of Ticino has been hit particularly hard. Premiums there are rising by 10.5 percent.

In initial reactions after the premiums were announced, representatives from the healthcare sector and politics expressed great concern.

blue News readers are dismayed

And blue News readers are not happy about this decision either. User "Kautzodeil13" commented: "It's a travesty how this so-called democracy works. Every canton pays something different and what is done with the health insurance is also a specification of how taxes are collected in this country. More here, less in the tax evasion cantons. What does all this have to do with a national community?"

Other readers do not want to remain idle. User "Theipruldio61" writes: "Yes, as every year, everyone is horrified. But nobody does anything. I think enough is enough, 300 francs a month and that's all we pay in. Who will join in?" User "Argus49" responds to the comment and writes: "That would be an idea! Something else would be a large demonstration on the Bundesplatz in Bern. Then these distinguished ladies and gentlemen would realize that the lowly people are real people, not an anonymous mass with whom you can do anything." Other users agree.

Calls for a single health insurance fund

There are particularly frequent calls for a single fund. For example, "Stagriwo27" commented: "Now the time has come, we need a single health insurance fund, similar to SUVA and the premium is paid as a percentage of salary. 64 health insurance funds with 64 directors, who usually take more than a million from our premiums as an annual salary, are not needed. The same applies to the boards of directors. Sponsorship must be banned. The federal office responsible must wake up and finally react, or even better, take action and do what is necessary to restore normal conditions."

"Dausseubeu80" also writes: "It is now clear to me that the single health insurance fund must be introduced."

Other readers see the problem in population growth or in the high wages paid out by health insurance company bosses.

"On to the next whine"

However, there are also users who cannot understand the uproar surrounding the increase in health insurance premiums. For example, "Freudvoll" writes: "The same old whining at the highest level. Either we want this high level of healthcare and pay for it, or we can still afford third-country standards. What is needed most is a reduction of the state in the healthcare system. The more it interferes, the higher the premiums! On to the next whine."