While playing golfTrump granddaughter opens up about most embarrassing moment with grandpa
Julian Weinberger
Kai Madison Trump has a good relationship with her grandfather, US President-elect Donald Trump.
Bild: EPA/Shawn Thew
"I was so embarrassed": Kai Madison Trump has a good relationship with her grandfather. But one of her grandfather's faux pas almost made her sink to the floor in shame, as she has now revealed.
19.12.2024, 20:12
Julian Weinberger
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Kai Madison Trump shares a love of golf with her grandfather Donald Trump.
However, the 17-year-old's most embarrassing memory to date with the US President-elect also took place on the green.
The cause of the awkward incident was a male and, in Donald Trump's eyes, very attractive companion of Kai.
In the social media, Kai Madison Trump's heart flies. The 17-year-old has 1.3 million followers on TikTok. She keeps the same number of fans up to date with her everyday life on YouTube and Instagram. And it's not exactly ordinary. After all, Kai - the surname gives it away - is Donald Trump's granddaughter.
In a YouTube Q&A, the teenager has now revealed the embarrassing moment with her grandfather that almost made her sink to the floor in shame. She shares a love of golf with Donald. "I brought one of my male friends to play golf with me," she reported.
So far, so ordinary. But Grandpa Donald took the male companion as an opportunity to interpret his granddaughter's relationship status. "Oh my God, your boyfriend is so handsome," the 78-year-old gushed. But instead of butterflies in her stomach, Kai's face turned red with embarrassment, as she admitted: "I was so embarrassed. Because he has a girlfriend."
Trump granddaughter emphasizes: "I'm a normal child"
Despite the unpleasant incident, Kai maintains a good relationship with her grandfather. What's more, she even admires Donald. "He taught me never to give up," she told her fans. "And if I have a dream, I should always try to make that dream come true."
Being the granddaughter of the US President-elect has advantages and disadvantages, the 17-year-old answered a fan's question. However, she said it was important to emphasize that she is "a normal child" and leads "a normal life". One amenity is particularly special: "The coolest thing is being able to go to the White House."
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Even though Trump will soon be the most powerful man in the world again, he is "just a normal grandpa" to Kai, with whom she eats lunch together or stands on the golf course, Kai emphasized.